Do NOT waste ur time with Cata classic!

Blizzard has done it YET again !

Latest beta revision = No guild chat unless you open up a tab that is massive (just like retail crap) and you cant have a meaningful conversation while questing because everythign said in /guild goes into that tab !

was NEVER a feature of Cataclysm and not a feature our 93+ guildies ever wanted… i guess we will move to a private server to keep playing and having fun !

Amazing how 2024 blizzard are still trying to self mutilate themselves !

GG and njoy


which is exactly that, a beta that needs tuning. Man the doomsayers are getting creative.
In retail you can have it exactly like it is in classic btw, no clue what you’re talking about. Type in /g and look at your lower left chat. Nobody uses the big guild tab to talk lol, calm down.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: because of one Feature you make a drama to leave this game? This forum is full of crybabys, cmon dude, No bigger problems?


Atm on “beta” you cannot have a lower left guild chat tab and thats not how it was either in original cata , i guess you dont realize this but you cannot call it classic if its totally different… they should just name it Cataclysm Re-release 2.0.

also its not “doomsayers” as you proclaim mearly stating a fact that if this is how its going live whats the point in playing that , you could just play retail and timewalk cataclysm … and again blizzard fails utterly

It is a beta… it’s good that stuff like this happens there as they can be fixed if need be. It’s a whole different story if they leave it in the final game release though.


Si si im crying when im stating factual information ok … im sorry if you feel offended but the state of cataclysm beta is literally only similare to original by name Cataclysm everything else is hashed up retail

Dude will you relax. It’s clearly not intended that way and they will very likely fix this in the next build. what’s with the:

btw? Yes it’s a beta. A beta has broken things. People who test a beta like yourself I presume are expected to report this ingame, not on the general forum in a whinethread.

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I love the fact that the prepatch would give you doomsayer’s tablets to wear on your chest and your back with striped over the shoulders. I will personally walk around the city trolling pro WotLK Era cultists about impending doom that Cata ruining everything.

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Looking at OP ‘5 posts’. Yeah just a troll. Moving on.


Not doomsday , cata never had that “feature” and should therefor never have it, if i wanted to play retail i would be playing retail. its that simple… you can call it what you want if that makes you feel better but Cata classic is not cata

Hah in same was WOtlk Classic its not WOTLK 3.3.5

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standard answer i presume , if i wanted to be a troll i would put more effort into it but then again i might be a blizzard developer considering how little effort i put into the post :wink: oh wait i wrote more than 2 lines so i cant be a blizzard dev either because they do not write code !

Yeah ur not dev, typycal qqing part of community.


You very much miss the fact that a beta is supposed to be what you are experiencing.
It’s just extremely funny to me that:

  • of all the things that are currently not working you chose that to complain about
  • make it sound like the beta isn’t a testing ground and that blizz somehow screwed up
  • make it sound like what you see on the beta is final
  • went into tantrum mode like my 2 year old just because something wasn’t working in said beta
  • complained NOT on the cata beta forum but on the wrath classic general forum

So what’s it going to be? Troll or just stupid?

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Those things not working atm will be fixed thats why we are beta testing (quite obvious)

I do not see the beta as final but this is a major change to the way the game behave´s and is based purely on the fact that current blizzard have no intention of re-releasing what most of the community wanted an untouched vanilla/tbc/wotlk/cata yet they had to put their “own” mark on it and mess it up !

Im not in a tantrum mode if i was i would be using incomprehendable words as dadabobo didi blidopip E tc E tc

Yes i have posted on both forums to make the NON beta players aware of what is happening because they have yet to receive a beta inv and posted on beta forum to make sure that my issue with this “retail” guild chat/system isnt what we wanted.

Instead of thinking of this as a #troll / QQ post try to comprehend the issues with blizzard messing with things that never needed changing.

Its like buying a BMW but receiving a tesla with a modified BMW emblem on its bonnet … and dealer saying its a BMW classic ! … when its not :wink:

As for your second statement beta is a testing ground but this isnt testing a feature that was in the original cataclysm.

Im sure you will all feel the same in 20 years time when they release a “classic” version of something you liked in its original state and its not even remotely the same…

Everyone is leaving to Warmane, no one other than 10 retail andys gonna play this rushed beta crap. Even Blizzard knows it’s trash expansion so they’re closing to last phase on Jan 2025 :joy:


Whitemane just released a new project. I recommend u check it out!

Oh great you go to a non-blizzlike server with half the content not finished, custom tuning and cash shops where you buy all the loot. How is that better than buggy Cata?

haha private servers are more blizzlike than the cata classic. Even 10 years ago they had almost no bugs and perfect scripting. Cope more.

Somebody call this dude the waaahhhhmbulance.