Do profession level impact skill?

Im wondering if i should stress with profession levels on my alt, and main aswell, or if the gear and talants are the only impact? Simply put, will i be closer to max quaility if im lvl 50 or 100 with the same gear and knowlage?

Yes, Skill matters, closer to max quality if you have higher skill

i know skill matters but do level affect skill at all?
Edit: I now found the tooltip i was looking for and wondering about, so to answer my own question, yes higher level = higher skill
If thats what the tooltip actually says…

Skill increases the quality of materials that you gather or items that you create.

It’s split into: -

  • Base skill - acquired through levelling 1-100, affects all profession actions
  • General skill - acquired through profession trees and certain crafting tools, affects all profession actions
  • Specific skill - acquired through profession trees, only affects specific crafts/gathering nodes

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