Do pvp guilds actually exist?

Hello. I would first like to state the guild finder is broken. So many guilds out there claim that they do pvp but if you join it turns out they just lie about it and almost nobody has any interest in pvp.
There seems to be a real problem with guilds that are just all about the numbers. For some guilds you never see and play with another guild member in game. No different to solo play.

So. Following the title of the thread. Are there actually pvp guilds?
Active players that run Battlegrounds / Arenas / Rated content / World pvp / Hitting opposite faction cities and territories / pvp achieves and more.

I am tired of being lied to and if guilds are about the “WoW community” that some people talk about. Are there pvp communities or guilds out there?
I am an Alliance and won’t mind realm hopping or starting a new for pvp guilds.

I just created one…

New WPvP guild - Alliance Defence Force.

Looking for defenders!

War Mode sharding limits WPvP community activities like guild rivalries, so we will focus on the concept of WPvP ‘Defence’. This will be ad hoc, but events can be planned if there’s a demand.

The associated ADF WoW community will be used as a pool for additional group members, and as the main guild recruitment tool.

See the ADF guild recruitment page for details

If I end up only member… hehe, ah well, I’m enjoying the title under my name. Enhances my fun during WPvP!

And here’s a list of WPvP guilds and communities.

Check the video on yoututbe [The Rise of the Highlord]. You will be pleasantly surprised :slight_smile:


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