Do something about BUG abusers

There are few broken mechanics and bugs in pet battle now that are exploited in PvP pet battle. Do something about this, is unacceptable to pay for this kind of quality!

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You can specify the ones you have noticed here. A general statement that “there are bugs” doesn’t help.

You can specify them in bug reports in-game.

That’s all you can do.

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There are so many, its almost pointless to start point them.

Blizzard, ALL pets are considered chilled. Work only for the team that casted that.
Magma stun trap, triggering each time from the first round.
During sandstorm, all attacks miss.
And so on.

There was a list on the US forums a while ago. I can’f find it now. Was it long enough ago to have been on the old forums, and not carried over?

Magma trap does trigger randomly on any round from cast. I tested that myself.

Sandstorm does not cause all attacks to miss. I can point you at videos that show that.

There are real bugs. Those are not them.

If you dont believe me, thats not my problem, I just pointed that I faced all day teams that had those bugs, cheats, dont even know how to name them.

Newcomers, especially newcomers to PvP, often believe that there are cheats and hax going around. There are genuine bugs, but there are not as blatant as that.

And if you do go into PvP with those pet names, it will be only a matter of time before someone reports you and you get a ban.


My pet names are just fine, if you dont like them thats none of my problem. If you call me newcommer to pet battle then you must be foul to ignore my 4k+ games… I feel there is pointless to repeat that I faced teams today, in a row that had the bugs, cheats I told you about. If my pet names concerns you instead what I told you, then you must be an ignorant fool and I waste my time here…
Take care!

It’s called RNG.

Those issues you have raised are not bugs. 4k is not many games on the grand scheme of things.

If I was you I would change those pet names.

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Ok, thanks for tips, must be RNG to face certain teams that you always miss under sandstorm 10 times per match, despite having 90% chance of hitting, many games in a row. Or blizzard chill effect that only works for the opposite team… And so on…
Over and out.

Just look up the Elemental Family racial and then realise how it’s your mistake on Blizzard.

I don’t believe you that you missed 10 times in a row but sure just post a screenshot and I will.

Didnt know Father Winter’s Helper is elemental until now, but ok!

Honestly mate just post some screenshots because you’re either doing something wrong or can’t explain what you’re doing.

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As for reporting, I actually did report those names a few days ago but I see here that Blizzard has taken no action and lets him keep those names on his pets. Just like I reported some guy in a bg yesterday who were saying stuff to another member of our group like “I hope your family dies in a house fire”, only to see him still around the next day. It’s just real sloppy moderating from Blizz’ side and only shows that this kind of behaviour is more or less tolerated, or certainly not something they prioritize getting rid of.

As for missing “all the time” under Sandstorm, I played this guy with Sandstorm up and he did miss a few times in a row, which happens every now and then, but exploiting and cheating? No point commenting on that. Same for his other “bugs”, I would guess.


You should be banned for having those pet names. Perm-banned. Also you sound really unpleasant and those pet names reflect that.
Over and out


This topic is just like… criminal demands justice lol

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bug at pet year happen last year few dude abused and blizard didnt fix it so long time.was so annoying that moronic guy keep bug pet when he close to pet.but no more.last year was spining turtle kind atack .which if he didnt have backup pet buged and fight reseted .since that bug and abuser few player same team non stop use.(i hope he get suspention but dont think so blizzard so rarely punish those player) i didnt seen bugs.

most case like here soar loser clueless people
i had 5k pvp win achi .

an example magma

trigerred everytime but why becouse of used clear ground kind atack so its trigered so force the triger.

some silly change on accuraty i can agree with that

like idol wihc 2/3 time hit his first atack %50 rate sandstrom up and u miss it.
ok that huge idiotic rng but since last few year some odd thing happen when u miss or they miss u miss too like both pet miss that tour and pass .
but still isnt happen every time.sandstorm power isnt %10 redicing acuracy is dmg reducing.

and most noob like poster here act like pvp battle doing agaist npc.
like they use pwer up or combos but enemy use dodge or switch pet or counter it they lost thier minds. if i have faster pet and dodge abiliy will use it.
if i have elemental which no affected weather bad ways ofc wont care.
so if u use iky use black claw then i swich pet dragonkin and while u so 3 turn atack i hit and kill isnt a bug just we not training dummies.

get experince learn the game.
stun locked by rog pvp then im sure u gone yell he is cheating i stuned cant move he killed me.same lvl runt is this.

and now some strong teams but not like wod legion like godly unbeatable super absolit pet are nerfed some combo broken.

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