Do something about Feral

I’ve had to submit and go Guardian, I hate it but at least I don’t die if someone 50 yards away breathes.

Remove Rampant Ferocity Cap. Or alteast make it 10-13targets. Right now its a dead talent. Make Bite do way more damage.
Incarn has been an awful choice since BFA and Convoke still does healing spells when other specs get a purely streamlined DPS cooldown.

Im not asking to be a frontloaded god but come on atleast make it interesting below 22s.

Move Convoke into the class tree and replace one of our useless capstones or add it as a 4th one! I totally don’t get why every single class gets like all of their covenant spells in their class trees and druid didn’t get even one. Instead we got 3 capstones that we almost never use or the use is niche.


play rogue its just insane how well designed it is…
druid is just years behind.
im telling you i log on my sub just to read talents and stare at my screen in envy lmao.


I boosted this feral because i was interested in paying it and i have fun with the bleeds, but damn is out hard to survive if you get focused.
I’m used to Affliction warlock which is easy tankier with less versatility than a feral druid. Also warlocks have the better def cds and aren’t much slower, because of curses.

Well, we did tell you. xD

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That’s true but still I’m not giving up on feral, I’m still behind in gear. Slowly getting into rotation and other stuff.
I can feel the heal buff for feral a bit, if blizzard would remove the ms effects or heal absorb from all classes feral would be a bit tankier.

Damage is high enough already we don’t need extra heal reduce.

I tried a coupe of games after the reset, that was more than enough to know the buff to regrowth isn’t gonna make any difference. Never thought I’d say it but I think that’s me done with the spec. God only knows why I wasted money on the next xpac cos I doubt I’ll be wasting my time playing in it.

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kinda the same feeling.
Rake stun still bugs out and what piles up on that is that you got 1 restealth every 2- 3 mins.
And that Well- Honned Instincts still gets removed automatically when u shapeshift, so if youre unlucky that this silly already nerfed by half (32%> 16% for 3 secs) ability procs youre very likely not yo get the full benefit of it, now reduce it by 20-30% via wound poison or any healing effect and add Dampening and we end up with a spell thay potentially kills you against Priest- Mind Games. xD

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Blizzard t_t pls throw Feral a bunch of defensive buffs, so we arent the full fokus of every god damn lobby

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