Do u guys wanna do more visions?

Mage Tower.
Chromie’s Future.

Those ring any bells?

I dislike them, especially Chromie stuff.

Well, that’s your opinion. People seemed to like them, regardless if they weren’t locked behind a weekly lockout. You seem to be a minority then.

It does not need to be unlimited it was just a proposal.

But come on dude only 3 tries per week is really lame, and the 3rd try will require also a bit of dedication of farming.

I mean, those mask things are not going to be super easy to do and people will actually have only 2/3 tries because no one is going to risk the cloak upgrade first few months to push with masks.

Is like saying people doing mythic raid will have like 3 tries to each boss. Then need to wait next week.

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I’m just not a fan of timegating. There are plenty of people that can play certain days/weeks more than others. I want us to go back to where we decide our own pace.

It would be nice giving 1-2 more tries yea and for that there needs to be more assaults or more rewarding dailies but I’m still against infinite tries.

Have not done one, never will! :slight_smile:

but… why, all you get from them is foul, evil, corrupted gear that needs to be purified before use.

Sure, I’d love to do visions, but I’m gonna bug out on loading screen like I have once on this main and twice on my alt.
Am I gona get grouped with some absolute cement head who pulls everything in sight within 3 seconds and ruins the vision for everyone ? Like has happened twice on my alt.
Am I gona get locked out of the boss room again and not be able to do anything and waste mine and others time.
Am I gona get a vision finally completed with some competent players and then get no loot at the end ?
Am I gona get locked in combat and die to it due to insanity loss ?

Lost two cloak ranks on my alt and 1 on this main so far, I’d love to do more visions and see more of them, only completed one zone and the boss so far…but it’s too risky, too dodgey lol

10/10 design
0/10 execution

Once I fully cleared visions with Max difficulty. It’s over for me. Don’t care about cloak lvl after that or heart lvl.

Mage tower atleast had different bosses to add flavor for each spec.

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