Do we have devs?

Do we have really someone who standing behind the warrior? cause it seems blizz just gathering opinions how to make class and balance it on run somewhere between bar or street from random people… Without any logs statistic and true logic and vision.
I was about they gonna revert these nerfs cause there is certain amought statistics and datas that shows warriors are down the bottom in plenty of dps pages-ways like sustain AOE fury half bottom, single target dps, absolutely winner of bottom bottom… burst aoe oka for 4 seconds we are actualy winners then bottom…
We should have at least one true rework cause warriors are like walking dinosaurs specs wise in WoW… and we received literaly nothing embraced with bigger nothing… and on top of that nerfed to the ground.
So blizzard please wake up start to do your job in good way, gather data properly analyze them and then set some solutions to it cause you made bad calls till this moment…
fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me


Overreacting a lil bit huh? U will not be dead. Ur burst is a menace and a hinderance tbh. Thats why u get nerfed.

Our burst is quite literally the only thing the spec did well. You realise specs are meant to be good at least one thing, right?

Anyways, the nerfs were overkill, we’re not even that great at the thing we’re meant to be good at anymore (looking at fdks etc.).

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aknowladgable u have no clue whats goin on :slight_smile: stay fine stay good.) go watch shaman post to troll there :slight_smile:
im tryin to get atention to the real big problems that class have right now!
u tryin to just troll here .)

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