Do you also prefer Holy P instead of Disc P in Raids?

Hello there,
First post ever.
I was wondering if any other priest is currently playing Holy instead of Disc in a Raid environment.
I love Disc and I bring my Priest in guild runs 99% of the time, however my numbers are low and I face some difficulties when playing that spec.
One day I changed to Holy and some encounters went far more easily.

I read a guide on how to play Disc properly in Raid but it is just a text wall I can’t relate to.

Anyone has some tips or maybe want to share his/her own experience?

Thanks in advance!

I prefer holy everywhere and all my guild priests were discipline until they realised i was having way more fun

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I’m not a priest and all I do know is that disc requires ramp time to be effective. It works best in an organised environment with healing assignments.

I would think your best place to get advice would be one of the discords

Simply put holy is a reactive healer, disc is a proactive healer.

You won’t do well as disc unless you know damage is coming and prepare ‘ramp’ for it.

Both work well but the mindset behind them is different.

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Unless you really are pushinh m+ (25 plus) or mythic raid for cutting edge, I do not think you are gonna have a problem playing anything you want. So you can just play what you want without feeling bad that you gimp your raid.

It is normal to do lower hps with disc, since it is generally more punishing and it needs way better knowledge of encounters.

IF you want to focus and learn disc, I would suggest watching youtube videos, since i find them abit easier to understand rather than wowhead guides. AutomaticJak has some good healing videos, but more or less any good disc priest will do.

If you enjoy holy more, don’t feel bad for ignoring disc, just play what you want and you will do better.

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I prefer my druid over my disc priest. I feel useless on my disc priest, mainly because i am not really good at that spec but also because quiet a few encounters on HC require a fair amount of movement, which is easier as a druid to deal with.

I’d rather play disc than holy. Disc is fairly mentally challenging due to the planning ahead while Holy is pretty much braindead to play. The main point is to get the job done, but there isn’t much fun if the job is too easy.

Its all about knowledge of the boss for discipline priest know when to ramp its key. As holy however it is much easier because u are a reactive healer thats it. As disc u are preventif to dmg income.

I’m exactly the person you’re describing lol. Started to main priest in s2 of DF because I wanted to see how retail healer priest plays compared to classic/TBC/wrath priest, which I played the past 5 years. Always mained Hpala on retail until now.

I loved holy, but just couldn’t get over how disc played so I stayed holy. I comfortably outheal other healers as holy and can do 21+ keys so don’t let anyone shame you for being holy. It’s way more fun.

Wow, didn’t expect so much support from you guys!

I get the point that I have to ramp before a boss ability actually occurs. That said I always struggled ramping 15/16 players over and over again.

One of yours suggestions perhaps should work as a tool to improve.

I’ll try that.
Again, many thanks.

P.S.: I play disc in M+ and I have and I’m fine with it, very fun to play and not that difficult, I can complete up to +20 and sometimes in time.

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You don’t even need to be pushing mythic raid for CE or 25+ in m+ to tell the difference.

I’ve only dabbled into disc a few times and it’s ridiculously strong compared to holy if you know the dungeons damage patterns, even if you have like no clue how to play disc, like the case is with me.

Like, as holy I can only heal something after people have taken damage. I know it’s coming but I can do pretty much nothing about it.

As disc? Yeah, I can do a lot about it. You can actually heal the party as disc as well, while you don’t really have any aoe healing as holy. You’re just constantly triaging with ST heals as holy.

The last boss in fall as an example would be ridiculously biased in favor of disc if not for healing chromie replicates trail of light to others at the increased value when you flash heal her, so you basically top anyone in a flash heal no matter what hp they’re at as holy, because she receives 3000% more healing or something and trail of light replicates the flash heal to another target you’ve healed at 25% efficiency.


This has never occured to me. Thanks for this.

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Yeah, this is so cool and I’m not sure if it’s intended but I’m glad anyway!

I do prefer playing Holy Priest myself, although I do think Holy is slightly more gear dependent.

Disc is a bit odd for me. I do understand how it plays; but at the same time, I don’t.

From a non casuall pov, there is allmost no reason to pick a holy over a disc in a higher Raiding environment.

Most of the time when Holy gets picked over Disc is when Holy has some really good Healing-numbers.

Holy simply cant compete with Discs overall dmg + the DR they bring for the raid. Especially on fights were you can make use of discs insane Setups.

That being said, if you dont know what you are doing disc suffers severly due to its nature of seting up huge windows and premitigating.

That just means you need to learn, nothing bad.

I think more specific questions would help.

But the main thing I can instantly give you, LEARN THE BOSSFIGHTS.

As disc you need to know when dmg comes so you can prepare for it.

Disc is pretty easy in dungeons because you have little to no preptime, it’s simple to apply atonement to 5 people or to the tank.

In raid however, it’s much harder because it takes you about 16 seconds to apply the atonements to the raid (ramp), which forces you to do some additional homework compared to other healers.

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