Do you alt-tab during loading screen?

Nope, alt-tabbing takes longer than to load

I usually just respond on discord or change songs on spotify on my 2nd screen, during loading screens I tend to look at my phone and answer people on Snap.

Yes, and on flightpaths.

I never alt-tab. Windowed mode and secondary screen for youtube/movies
I do however feel that my attention span has been decreasing with time. I’m fine with it for now

Depends where I’m going. Ever since they patched a minute of loading into Dalaran, that’s become alt-tabby. On some days Zuldazar/Borealus is bad too. Otherwise the loading screens are short enough.

Bro, I alt-tab not just during loading screens but during dungeons and while i’m “out in the world” as well =)

This game doesn’t really require much attention, half the time.

No, I have a dual monitor setup. Getting a second screen was as big an improvement as a SSD drive, bigger even. Makes everything so much nicer, from gaming to working – and everything inbetween.


alt-tab? what is that!
get a second monitor and enjoy watching things while you play :slight_smile:

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Dual screen and play WoW windowed.

Usually have Youtube or Netflix on the second screen, if I’m not in the mood for that I just shut of that screen and play a few playlists instead.

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i usually alt-tab at the start of my gaming sessions to pick a stream / video series on youtube to listen to on the background & only alt-tab again when the stream / video series gets paused for some reason.

No! But I do ALT - F4 during long loading screens. :wink:


No I got 2 screens :smiley:

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