Do you enjoy arms in 10.2?

BS being on the last nodes for Arms is indeed a “sacrilege”, but moreover having to take 2/3 mandatory skills (overpower is mandatory by default) to have a rotation is completely absurd, even more when they don’t connect well to each other or are gated by useless choices (Valor in Victory, seriously?)

Having good damage output creates this problem of “your spec perform OK in the mid tier/ High mid therefore we will focus on lower tier first”, but at the end of the day we have 2 viable builds which are fully specialized & no possibilities to get correct support skills.

Seems like the design team in charge of Warrior have no correct idea of where to go with the specs. The few changes done all over DF are a clear confirmation of this as well unfortunately…

no i think arms feels absolutely horrible to play, clunky AF


I’m enjoying it. Not the best in terms of dps at the moment but it’s fun

Mate, arms mastery has changed like 5 times in 6 expansions.

MOP was chance for an extra hit and arms could rage + heroic strike
Wod was extra damage
Legion was built around colossus smash + warbreaker windows
BFA was massive bleeds
Shadowlands + legion are bad bleeds but amp damage.

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