Do you enjoy feral?

Hi yall,

Do you recomend feral druid in pve and pvp? Do you think its a fun spec and why?

Lnk cheers!


Feral Druid seems to be very strong in PVP with high mobility and insane burst damage.
For Pve, they’re okay, good sustain, high damage bleeds and burst.
Though it’s pretty hard to get into more difficult group content unless you’re really geared since Feral has a worldwide reputation of being bad, not in my opinion though.
I wouldn’t dive too hard into Feral just for the fact that Blizzard doesn’t seem to give Feral a lot of attention even when they need it.
Druid on the other hand is a really solid class, very good for maining if you can ignore the fact that there are so many other Druids in this game.
But that’s because they’re a fun class.


If you playing just for fun – cat is good. It runs fast 100% uptime!

But performance is below average from all sides.


Bad? The cat’s bleed do more damage than my heals.
Feral is deffinetly fun to play and Its strong?+ the healing reduction they have and maximum health reduction.

Good that you’re lying.
Do it somewhere else though.
Also ferals bleeds are on 3th place after Assasin Rogue, Affli warlock in terms of damage.
Also very bold when your class can crit up to 4m.
Now if you cannot tell you must use defensive once u have 3 rows of debuffs and druid is in Incarnation
 then you failed the intelligence test, start getting ashwaganda or something, idk.

Ok, whats your rating on your feral?

Nobody plays this talent because it has been nerfed.
Also 6% .
For comparison Taurens get 5% health passive from racial. I guess taurens are OP now.
Lets get back to reality:
Feral has really bad defensives:
Armor in bear form is the same armor as any plate user.
Majority of attacks even from melees are a mix of magical and/or DOT damage - both of which IGNORE armor COMPLETELY.
Bear Form healing is nerfed from 32 % for 4 secs to 20% for 4 secs.
As a comparison - rogues Crimson Vial heals 30% on a lower CD, and can be used in stealth, doesnt require you to be in a stance or anything like that.
Ferals Healing and Offhealing is increasingly bad, and i choose my words well- Since Shadowlands we have lost: Buff to Regrowth healing from the conduit, Yseras - 3% passive healing every 5 sec, Leader of the Pack, Stength of the Wild healing Crit reduced from 100% to 30%, Swiftmend REMOVED. Along with other healing abilities we lost throughout expansions like Lifebloom and the Abolish Poison hot.
Keep in mind that arenas affect hybrids negatively while rewarding classes who got immunities or semi immunities like Evasion/Blur/DBTS, so the moment you step in the arena you’re getting Dampening, so no healing for you, kyting is limited since its an enclosure, and you got exactly 0 immunities.
Now lets move to the actual defensive that you’re "supposed " to rely on:
Which in short is Kyting and your defensive cooldowns.
Barkskin is wonderful, admitedly a really nice one, minus the fact that they keep adding spells that do not allow you to use Barkskin during. One is Silences, which always has been the case but now theres Blind abilities from Paladins and Dks that do not allow you to use it.
And the second one is a 3 minute cooldown wall with 60% dmg reduction for 6 secs.
Like excuse me if im wrong but the only melees you can kyte away from are probably just Paladin if he has CD on steed and Freedom.
From the casters is just Warlock and Priest


Do you ever stop saying BS’s? Snupy whos one of the best is playing that talent.
Just stop please. Get some help.
Also about 4m Its once every 30 sec and IF crit.
All you do here is complaing while your class (feral) is broken.
Get some help.


Like i care what Snupy plays. Reducing a players health by 6 % is not a good talent pick.
I rather have Tireless Pursuit that will allow me to stay connected for longer therefore do (more than 6%) dmg. A talent thats played by a better feral than Snupy who is currently R1 since u wonna bring it down to who plays what.

Well feral frenzy is on 45 sec cd.

Ok but which of my presented arguments is false?


And still.
Feral is broken beyond.
Its you that keep on saying Its fine spec.
Getting bitted for 1m+ every few seconds and bleeds that taking 5% of my HP per tick is not ok.

You should stop lying
Rip and rake don’t tick for 5% of someone HP at all.

And you don’t bite for 1millions every time
Only during zerk with trinket and enchant proc if you crit.


Feral has only ever been good in the same comp

Feral is dogshxt but has good dmg
 it is 100% dependant on scripted pvp in a perfect setup group.

Take away cyclone from feral and there you go
feral fell through the bottom


This is my take as well.
Like if you see that feral has all of his build up aligned- rip, rake, swarm you already should be allarmed and if you cant keep track of Feral Frenzy and Berserk then i got nothing else to tell you.
I mean i do but just look at his profile and you can see why dudes progress is 50 rating for 4 expansions along with him playing only 1 bracket thats known for being imbalanced → 2v2.

How many alts you gonna log and upvote?

0/10 troll bait post, like always

have you nothing better to do, than flooding the druid forum with nonsense, what isnt even correct ?

in pvp it is fun, in pve/ m+ it is the most boring specification since TWW.

if u like to do nothing for 20 seconds after your cds are over and do just classic autoattack in m+ feral might be the right spec for you in pve, if u want a higher apm class, i dont recommend this class, in pvp it is fine, because u have to run there, + u need to cc the enemy, and bleeds are doing good dmg there


Did you loged another alt? Do i have to ignore you on this one too?

Flame war aside
 Yes, I enjoy feral very much for pve. From a min/max’ing perspective, it seems to lack behind other classes. From a ‘fun and engaging’ perspective, it’s a solid pick.

You’re mobile, has all kinds of utility, a variety of tools like bleed/stun/all-out-damage to mix and match, you can even skip past a lot of stuff with prowl, if need be. Also, unlike some classes, you have to be a little mindful of what you do when, you can’t just pull the entire screen and stand there to mow them down while yawning.

Guess it all depends on the definition of ‘enjoyment’ :wink:

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playstyle not fun but pvp very strong

Feral is like an easier assassination rogue in my opinion. Less stuff to keep track of.

easier my ***.

  1. Keep bleeds up
  2. Do you have enough energy for enhanced bite? Yes? Bite!
  3. Keep Bloodtalons up (which is ridiculously easy and you can just as well play the other talent)
  4. Press Tigers Fury when off cooldown
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You forget the moment where you’re made of butter and got no Dodge/Parry and immunity mechanics.
That you gotta resort to casting as a melee, not have dead globals with shapeshifting
is sometimes impossible, 2 action bars to operate, button bloat and just generally Assasin is super easy- feral is not.
Most players struggle learning feral. I recently coached a friend who is assasin main
 and he doesnt get it.