Do you fear of

He probably thought “ffs noob probably boosted his toon” :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Yeah, I believe players who’s been boosted by mages from lvl 10 to lvl 60 will be much better players in TBC.

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Bad players are bad players, whether they have levelled 12 levels or 70.

Decent players would have learnt in the 12 levels since their boost.


Exactly. Learning how to push 2-3 buttons and not standing in the hot yellowy-red patches on the ground doesn’t take 70 levels. Especialy considering the mass of boosts will be by people already playing either classic or retail. But apparently it will break the game…

wait till you see your first retail boosted baby.

Unless they’re completely new to the game, I don’t see why anybody wouldn’t be able to do it?
It’s not like playing the classes are complicated :man_shrugging:
The boosts are pretty much the same as the mage boosts, so how would you identify a 58 booster and a mage boosted character exactly?
If they remove the 58 boost, I’ll just ask a guild mage to boost my character instead (as would others?) -So we’d not learn the character at all either way?

at this point, those “returning” to tbc are practically new to the game.

Errr no. I’ve played wow since vanilla and just started levelling a classic toon, other than having to look up I.e. where the next proff trainer is, it isn’t that much different than before.

really? where’s your classic toon posting? why is it a retail alt instead?

yeah I not gonna join any ramparts or blood furnace pugs at launch.
I remember how bad it was having lvl58 deathknights in ur ramparts group in early WOTLK, and now it’s for every class without any kind of intro to the character mechanics, deathknights had atleast their little leveling zone before they could do dungeons.

in special blood furnance could be a massacer for the boosting chars. if they join with a retail LFR mindset, and then just walk all over the landmines, pull to much trash, or keep standing in that green stuff from the second boss.

Most people dont care. Some people dont even know how to dispell, or interrupt a spell, even after many years.

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Cause it matters which toon I post on…

for legitimacy of your posts, yes.

Damn you got me there, I thought my gob skills well good. Now I realise I’m just another pleb.

When our guild got to Naxx I couldnt believe how many raiders in our guild had no idea how to play their class beyond basic level as before Naxx they never had to complete any personal tasks with their class.

Using my personal experience from Classic and Retail I believe that the Retail player that uses a 58 boost will be better at handling personal responsibility tasks than many of my current Classic guildies.

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No need to worry about lazy clueless people in TBC. As we know, the game gets dumbed down to match this. And so it continues with each expansion.

Not knowing much would be true tbc experience.
These days with online guides, videos etc we know too much and thats why speedrunning, mage boosting, world buffs metas happened taking any element of surprise of of the game.

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Well… you can mess up many things with pet pulls and multishot pulls, tab target pulls etc. That comes from experience what you do and don’t

well hunter doenst use multishot on tbc cycle wich i was refering.
also tab target pull is not hunter only thing you can do it with other classes so its stoopid to say its hunter only thing. also controling pet is not that hard

One can make the argument that paying for boost is caring about the game in such a way that you want to “invest” money into Blizzard by exactly that: paying them more money.