Do you get honor for killing someone 80 levels below you?

I’ve never actually found as I don’t do it, because I’m not a piece of human garbage that camps level 40s every time they respawn on my max level character.
Don’t get me wrong, I hope people try to gank me while I’m out and about, but not max level characters too chicken sh*t to play in BGs and Arenas, and would rather beat up children in their sandpit.
Yes I’m mad.

No, but whoever did it will get immense satisfaction of having a whine thread about them.


Thanks. I’m genuinely curious why people do it though. I died to literally a single cobra shot every time. Like if he’s getting nothing out of it, why waste your time killing a lowbie? Anywho, thanks for the answer - good to know he’s wasting his time.

Possibly out of boredom. Or hatred towards the horde (stop them while they’re still vulnerable, when it’s easy, instead of waiting 'till they’re max level or something). Or retaliation for someone doing the same to their alt. There are many reasons why might do this.

And as far as they’re concerned, they don’t think its a waste of their time. It’s often easier to GY res, turn WM off, and continue questing / leveling with WM off for a while. Less time wasted than waiting for them to get bored.

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Sounds rather petty, but each to their own I guess. If it happens a few times I generally just switch to my main and run dailies while they waste their time waiting for me.

Usually I do this, but trying to level a low level shaman without lasso is painful. When your offensives take 2 seconds to cast, it’s such a time saver to be able to one shot something every 30 seconds. Not to mention I like the idea of running into someone of a similar level and a fight breaking out. Unfortunately the only enemies I’ve seen in those 40 levels is max level dudes, but only one of them was being a mongo about it thankfully.

I’d do it for that.

I’d hate to say it, but if you gain personal satisfaction from another person’s misery, then you lead a very sad and pathetic life, and should probably seek professional help. That’s not normal behaviour. I’m serious, it’s an illness.


What race was it? Because if it was a joke race like zandilari troll that might have been why

Trust me im a worgen, i know all about this terretory

I’m actually grinding an Alliance to check out the story on the other side (and for the 2 mount achievement :D). First time it was an Orc. Now it’s a half naked BE Paladin wrecking me in one judgement. They killed me, flew off, then when I respawned, they dropped out of the sky and one shot me again.
Not even like I can log my main to get some revenge, because all my characters are Horde :I

Well sucks for you bro,but did you ever asked in horde faction why they do that ,as alliance hordes are every day in Alliance territory to nuke the low lvl player,for they this is fun and second they trying to enrage the max ally players to make some dirty fights,i don’'t think they care about anything else they should do in current expansion,ah and they never alone,you just need to bee careful while lvl-ing and alert the guards for any high lvl interference or the general chat maybe someone will spot.
Now you make me curious didn’t people left retail for classic,weren’t they too boring of this expansion.

Sadly it goes both ways. The difference I’ve found is that Horde will kill you alone, but the alliance run around in groups to gank lowbies. Either way, it still sucks.

Of course not. My queues are still the same as they ever were for dungeons and BGs, and there’s plenty of people around. Some people like me went to check out Classic, but then swiftly returned to retail.
I won’t argue with anyone that calls BfA boring, though.

No,Bfa it’s not boring,just overheated.
Honestly,i don’t do that,if i would i will quit the game,but i can’t speak in others name,being a game everyone is free to do what he likes the most,did you ever considered to send a friend request to your attackers only to tell them how suck they are .
I know also that people who doing this are bringing friends,familly everyone they can all for personal pleasure.

They aren’t really strong in wpvp but when you force a russian bg-team, then this isn’t really fun.

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