Do you guys think horde will ever get Draenei?

What the Space Goats need is a Velen-like “lean” male costumization/body type
I do like the sexy space goat ladies, don’t get me wrong, but would be nice to play a male who is not built like a brick wall in the shape of a fridge :roll_eyes:


That’s double edged sword though.
If we look back to the WoW history, goblins and worgen were always part of the lore, thus it was relatively easy to introduce them as playable race.
Pandaren were sort of an easter egg in WCIII and were received with mixed opinion, and allied races, as you said are mostly just recolor of the existing ones with exception of Kul Tiran and Vulpera.

Speaking of which, how was Vulpera ever justified lore wise? “Gnolls are too savage and not smart enough to join Horde, also not cute enough, thus we had to create new race to which existence was the entire Azeroth oblivious for eons, and don’t ask any questions.”?

Then there is Dracthyr which use altered Worgen skeletal animation for the convenience, and thus their physical appear make them differ greatly from original Draconids of the WoW lore.

Hmm draenei without hooves or tentacles that are also fel corrupted? Well you guys are lucky since these do exist! You can have them in the horde.

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They would actually fill all the Horde requirments
Near extinct - check
Shunned by others - check
Outcasts - check
Monstorous - check (and before anyone would yell, “but Kentarro, the Elves are not…”, zip it! Elves are in every mythology are bastards and hang around with trolls, goblins, undead and other monsters, they are just the upper class monsters, but equally horrible if not worse, and in WoW they are the same arrogant mofos like their seelie/unseelie cousins or the Svartálfar)

Cute has never really been a requirement IMO. It’s so tiresome just getting recolours of the other faction’s existing races. There are so many available in World of Warcraft that I’d rather see something different added.

If people want variations of existing races they should just add them as customisations. I will never understand why anyone thinks using the same rig stops something being a new race. The Vulpera are a new race, I don’t care if they use the same rig as something else. They were something completely new.

I don’t see why the Vulpera weren’t justified, you’ve only got to do the storyline in Vol’dun or the invasion to see why they were going to side with the Horde. Not all races have huge backstories to join either faction nor do I really think they need them but it seems reasonable that more would join either side. Even though we are not at war.

In general there are many options that should be unisex…

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It definitely isn’t for me.
I don’t mind the look of hooves perse, but them blocking 99% of all the boots/shoes transmog is what doesn’t sit well with me.

The tendrils though; those are the thing that gross me out. I just find those things disturbing. I might have a phobia I’m not aware of. :sweat_smile:

At first I belived the same! Tentacles? Ewwwww
Then Old God-senpai changed my mind!
And now I’m craving for a japanese schoolgirl uniform…

Imagine how disturbing you would look for a hairless alien with your hair on the head.

“What are those parasites growing on your head?”

“That? Oh, that’s just my hair”

“Your hair?”

“Yes… My hair.”

screams in bald Alien

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To be fair, a Gnome looks disturbing to anyone regardles of their planet of origin


and tbh, mechagnomes are literally the worst race of all WoW.

We can discuss which is the best one (ofc vulpera, but we can discuss…)
But there is no debate the mechagnomes are the worst.

Which is funny because the best and worst race were introduced together… :stuck_out_tongue:

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The real Mechagnomes we met in Northrend would have been cool, limited mog options ,true, like the Dracthyr, but a fully mechanical race, a servant race at the verge of an AI singularity event who needed the Curse of Flesh to have desires, feelings, freedom… now would have been awesome
The ones we got?
They are Tesco-Borg without the Hive Mind at best and Phyrexians from Magic: The Gathering at worse - both concept that would have been great to explore, yet we got…
…what we have now :roll_eyes:

Mechagnomes could actually be pretty cool if Blizzard hadn’t been lazy. Imagine being able to choose tank treads or spider legs as an option for them or as a hunter mechagnome being able to put a damn rifle on your arm and use it to shoot instead…or maybe having dual chain swords instead of arms. So many options but Blizzard ofc never goes that far.

i can see Tauren and Trolls joining the alliance though
but id rather we have night Bourne or blood elf

i can see a future where you choose any race and then choose a faction
it seems blizzard is going this way

Alliance Grimtotem taurens are far realistic than horde draeneis, they acted as alliance mercenaries in Stonetalon and were also used as a diversion within Thunder Bluff while the Allianced razed Taurajo.

Cross faction Guilds ? Where/when was this written ?

Cross faction guilds have existed for some time.


I can’t wait to return to my time line and be with my blue friends

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Well… I suspect that “having cute furry race in WoW” was the main reason (if not the only one) to create Vulpera.

WoW is no longer trend setter for MMORPGs for quite some time. For long time they have to follow trends from other MMOs instead to keep being relevant.

When compared to other MMORPGs from the past that had relatively high success for some time like TERA, which had Popori as “cute race”, WildStar had quite sinister, yet still somewhat cute Chua, from the still available games, GW2 have Asura, FFXIV have Lalafell, and so on… Thus, Blizzard decided to follow that trend and created Vulpera.

While WoW already had gnomes and goblins as somewhat cute race, they had to follow the trend and add something extra extraordinary, and preferably with fur, for those extra extra eccentric players.

I’ll bet that Dracthyr was added as playable race to WoW only because Elder Scrolls.

Sir, as a Paladin you are required to have at least decent eyesight to hit things!
A white cane blazing with righteous fire simply would not work
Those two are creepy at best, not cute