Do you have a question for the WoW Q&A?


Blizzcon mentions Classic Era servers that will remain with Naxx patch forever. What about us who want Classic server that starts from phase 1 and onwards as the game was back in August 2019? Will we get these servers too?

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Will you please allow faction change for Classic TBC?

no, this is still not retail, regardless how much they caved in.

  • Will there be any actions takens to prevent “very rich” players to keep tens of thousands of gold when entering TBC?
  • Will we see Layering again when thousands of players are going through the Dark Portal to enter the Hellfire Peninsula?
  • Pre-nerfed bosses was great to hear, what about class-balances? Will we again only get the ‘final form’ or are they going to evolve with the various content phases?
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what made you guys think that a level boost was acceptable in classic wow?

Are we going to see fresh, no transfer / boost BC servers available in the prepatch for people who would like to play BC classic in a server with a healthy economy, without being massively behind players who already have several lvl 60 alts and thousands of gold ?

Would you consider putting in Fresh TBC realms, which can not be transferred to?

Did you try launching latest PTR or even look at the changes they posted when they opened it (spell batching wink) or read/watch how it works there? You may be pleasantly surprised

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Thank you, yes I read, but thought this pertained to spellcasting/combat only :slight_smile: I am pleasantly surprised now :smile:

Now, I have demonstrated my bad reading skills :wink: Can I ask you: Will this be implementend in Classic Era realms as well?

Will the new level 58 boost be available to people that already has level 60 characters?
And will this boost be out when the pre-patch launches?

Are there any plans to merge low pop servers going into TBC? Or are the people stuck on 90/10 faction ratio going to have to play like that through tbc, unless they pay for transfer to a higher pop server?

Do you have any plans for Classic Vanilla?
How do you see Classic Vanilla in 1, 2, perhaps 5 years from now?