Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

Doesn’t mean it’s not a benefit however: now they can choose to do raids by themselves or find a group of people. More options is a good thing.

It should furthermore be noted that while now these rogue RPers have become the top tier raiders/PvPers, they may have learned the game while being on a PvE/PvP guild.

Yes, arguably getting less good results.

RP servers are also meant to have PvE and PvP, by your own admission.

This isnt a realm dedicated to PvE/PvP so it wouldnt matter if we didnt complete phases as quickly as realms dedicated to it, which btw…we dont anyway, all the OOC’ers here are here because they cant cut it in the big leagues. so we just arent quite as terrible as we would be without them, but again as a realm dedicated to Rp I can assure you, none of the rp’ers here would mind if we didnt hit certain targets as quick as PvE realms, which we still dont with OOCers like you around, so no…we dont need or want you here? but stay if its easier for you, most of you would probably spend all your time corpse running if on a PvP realm, same as us Rp’ers, so hide here if you wish, I guess, and tbh as a side note I dont think having OOC’ers here makes this realm any better for PvP or PvE anyways, plenty of Rp’ers here are better pvp’ers than OOC’ers as evidenced by when people try griefing RP events n end up getting corpse camped by people who pretty much only ever rp.

My server is literally dead, these so-called big RP guilds here are never seen.
I’ve done /who -guild name- and no one is ever online.
Sha’tar etc are dead servers.
You also can’t really count auction house manipulation alts as players either hell I’ve only seen like two bank alts in the 2 weeks of me coming back to the game in the AH.

And replying to my alt to show I’m in one of the oldest guilds on my server which is now inactive and was full of roleplayers back in the day.
I feel like I’m playing a single-player game in my server cluster.

This arguments used by OOCers are so hard to follow. Why is it such a controversial thing to ask that the last working RP server in Europe is actually used for RP?

Non-Rper’s have dozens of other servers to choose. Why come to AD at all if you don’t have any interest in RPing whatsoever?

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The one question we never get a good answer too.

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It is quite mind-boggling.

Like I don’t even know how many other servers there are, I haven’t counted but many, that are labeled for PvP or PvE in some form…
Then there’s one that is labeled for RP, among few others but those might aswell not be there due to their population, but even then there is less RP servers than other servers…

So then when we ask for there to be -one-, just one server completely dedicated to roleplay… Nah, it’s out of the question. No can do. So absurd to request such a thing.

There are lots of reasons, but the main ones are a) AD is one of the few remaining realms that is large enough not to warrant a merger, b) the realm has a reputation for being active & social (more so than other realms like Draenor and Outland for some reason), and c) people have friends here and don’t want to leave.

Of course, that isn’t to say that I disagree - I certainly think these people should either start roleplaying or move to another server, but there are two sides to every coin.

Yes, but, according to Zaphius, one person talking to a lamppost IC constitutes a healthy RP community.


Wouldn’t it be better in the long-term if OOCers merged together in another, non-RP realm and created their own community?

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Yes in ten characters.

So they’re leeches

I’ve seen RPers MORE toxic because of the drama
obviously not all and maybe not a majority but we all have our moments.

Every other none-RPer has for some unknown reason.
Obviously nobody is telling people to be in character all time everytime since RPers respect and understand that IRL comes first. Getting a bit tired of repeating myself.

You know what I’ve just been reading though everything else…
You’re clearly not very open to discussion.

Why are you hiding on an alt? Why is check-PvP hidden?
Take off the disguise…

They come here so they can actually make raid teams/avoid getting ganked by sub par but in comparison far superior pvp’ers and so they can make a killing on AH selling stuff they know RP’ers want, basically because they are subpar in every aspect of the game that they enjoy, its the same as clicking easy difficulty on Fight Night or UFC for the possibility of a dopamine fix via the only actual win they could ever get lol, and we are meant to appreciate these sub par players who rinse the AH and dont even intend on rping?

It is also dedicated to PvE and PvP, alongside RP. It’s just not exclusively dedicated to the first two.

It’s not about the speed, it’s about the options. And more options is good. It’s definitely a positive opportunity also for RPers.

Or maybe they look for a chill environment. This statement doesn’t apply to PVPers either as after all, PvP are shared across realms.

Overall I think this statement doesn’t mean anything, even if it’s true what is the point other than dunk on nonRPers? Sounds a bit of a weirdchamp thing.

The dude is unironically using /who as a proof to show that there aren’t people around. The same /who that has been broken since what, early BFA? Yeah you’re choosing your points with great attention there, Obilot.

Speaking of weird champ, if you dont rp, why infest the last real rp realm, you like PvE/PvP right? why are you here, seeing as weirdchamp was brought up…
If all you AD OOC’ers are here for the chill vybe, go create a chill vybe elsewhere? theres certainly enough of you to do that elsewhere via a mass migration.

  1. I am a role-player you genius.
  2. Even if I weren’t, it would be my right to choose the server that I enjoy the most.
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You rp? well in that case fair enough, you’ve every right to be here, pure OOC’ers who have no intention of rping? zero reason for being here, and if you like their presence so much, you can always create an alt on another realm, and encourage the clean up of this one, seeing as you roleplay I am sure you’d appreciate every spot in the game being available for rp instead of covered with OOC’ers n trolls?

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Theres that many of them, they could probably take over another realm if they was good enough at the content lol, mind you now…saying that, that could be a reason they dont leave?

Any reason is fine as long as they don’t grief others/harass others. They can stay and are welcome to. :man_shrugging:

Or I can play with them on AD. And I do.

I don’t think it would be a huge deal. OOC areas like the AH would be used for OOC purposes anyway. And losing them to nonRPers isn’t something worth malding about.