Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

Hey, I know this may sound like a stupid question but is RP mandatory on Argent Dawn?

The reason I ask is because I recently just got back into the game after years away and as I’ve gotten more and more commitments I’m moving further and further away from the competitive PvE and PvP scenes in games.

I’m looking for a chill server where I can just relax and do the content without all the toxic s**t associated with some sections of the larger communities.

I’m looking for an EU alliance server and outside of Silvermoon and Ravencrest people seems to often suggest Argent Dawn as a good welcoming base.

I’ll be honest though, I really have little to no interest in RP. I like the idea of seeing cool RP events happening around me but I’m really not that interested in being involved. I just want to get on and play the game on a low toxicity server.

If I was to roll on Argent Dawn is RP going to be expected? Thanks.

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lol, in many short characters. it’s a terrible place.


I too go to the chess club to play checkers because I enjoy watching people play chess.


Then Argent Dawn probably isn’t your new home, no.

We have drama, abrasive personalities, and in general pretty much the same selection of challenges as any other server still inhabited by human beings. Us being RPers does not whisk away such things.

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Thanks for the info. I’ll probably just somewhere else. Happy RPing.


Not to mention that our non-RP raiding, social and PvP guilds have their equal share of unpleasant, toxic players as every other high-pop realm. You’ll just find more of the same inane trash as on Draenor or Ravencrest.


For what its worth, I’ve been on AD since Vanilla. I have very little interest in role-playing in-game (I sometimes do, like once a year), but have been enjoying my time here ever since.

It is not mandatory to RP. It is, however, very highly recommended to not disturb RP. You can just stand by and watch and hardly anyone will bat an eye.


That’s great. Thank you. Yeah I’ve no interest in disturbing anyone, I was just curious on the rules. Thanks again.


A non-RPer understanding why being on AD is not reasonable if you are not RPing, therefore hoping to find another server to play at?

In all seriousness, I do hope you find a chill server you are looking for, OP!


Note that this too can be incredibly disturbing, even if unintentional. Often times the people who are “just observing” have no concept of how to be inconspicuous and just run up to people while they’re RPing and stare at them, or make weird ooc comments which while intended in good spirit end up breaking immersion.

Or worse, if you’re having a heartfelt or other serious discussion with someone, and an OOC observer just walks up to spectate.


it hard to tell who’s just RPing a weird creep and who is in fact just kinda there watching creepily.

it’s all so tiresome


Tbh, I find the responses in here slightly weird, as I personally have never felt disturbed by any onlookers who’ve obviously stopped in their tracks to see what’s going on.

In my experience, it’s simply because they’ve found something interesting, hence why they stop their errands momentarily, to just stand there and spectate for a couple of minutes.

The issue is only really when the player actively go out of their way to disturb the RP, by spamming the chat or otherwise doing obnoxious things with oversized mounts. But these are fortunately few and far between, and most random people who stop to take a look are incredibly respectful at keeping it to just that.

More directly to your question, OP: Argent Dawn is generally a pretty nice server, but we do have our fair share of toxicity and feuds, as it goes whenever you have any sort of opposing groups with different mindsets and ideals. But as long as you stay respectful, and don’t actively go out of your way to disturb anyone’s roleplay, then you’ll be more than fine on our lovely RP server.

If anything, perhaps try to download TRP3 (Total RP 3) addon and give our wonderous world of storytelling a look? You just might get inspired to try it out yourself one day! But even if you don’t, then I simply hope that you’ll enjoy the glimpses you catch in-between your travels :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It is not ~mandatory~ to roleplay on this server, but I don’t really understand why someone would come here to… not RP. You aren’t really contributing to the health of the server if you are not roleplaying.

There are other “chill” servers that don’t require you to roleplay, such as Earthen Ring/DFB. These servers are classified as “RP”, but are actually fully OOC, and, like AD, they don’t have sharding, if that is what you are concerned about.

Good luck with finding something that suits your requirements.

You can just play on any realm you like if you’re not overly competitive around the game. Doesn’t matter outside of auction house economies and early-tier mythic raiding. AD probably won’t be fun for you if you’ve no interest in roleplaying, since the sense of community you see around here largely is built around RP.

And AD isn’t exactly the best server for raiding.

Normally I’d say that AD is a right realm to find friendly people BUT Blizzard in all its due wisdom alienated community by merging servers for dungeons, raids and whatsoever hence that LFR/LFG/LFB completely nullifies all that welcoming spirit that AD has to provide.

Is it mandatory to RP? Of course not. AD just happened to be that realm which Roleplayers inhabited in a first place. You are not obliged to follow and involve into RP but also is encouraged not to disturb or troll RPers.

But if we toss aside that alienating feature of Blizzard, then yes. AD is a better place than other realms but not ideal and is flawed with toxic people that harass, stalk and dox. Just like on any other realm.

…because it’s an RP realm?


It wasn’t the only one at the start, though. But it became the biggest fairly quickly.

The point isn’t that it wasn’t the only one, it’s that it’s classified as an RP realm. People didn’t randomly happen upon it and declared it one.