Do you just play one class?

And if so, do you play it for one spec, regardless of where it is on charts?

Do you play a similar class in other fantasy games?

For me I play a lot of different classes. Would love to find a class that I feel settled with.

I play DK main usually swapping between frost and Unholy, Hunter main alt, always BM because I love my kitties and DH second alt, mostly havoc.
As for other games I’m playing right now…

Borderlands 3 Moze the Gunner using Bottomless mags tree. So a hunter…
Streets of Rage 4 Adam because he was my favourite and i missed him in 2 and 3.
Ultra SF4 I main Vega and alt Akuma. Dunno what class they would be.
Doom Eternal take a rough guess… I guess it’s a hunter class in a way…
Skyrim, I kinda like a stealthy ranger… A rogue with a bow…?

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I’m toying around with my first real melee class in a long time, actually. I have preferred mages and warlocks for years, but the experience buff made me curious. Plus retribution is simple enough that I can make sense of it.

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I’m not interested in charts, just survivability and fun. I change classes a lot but for the past 2 it’s been a Paladin. I used to always play a ranger in games but I suddenly developed a love for melee characters over the past few years.

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I quit maining a class after MoP because I get bored with every single one after a month. The game is just too simple for me to stay interested in one.


Feral since vanilla.

When Hakkar was first released, I had a rogue alt that I was playing semi-seriously.
During lich king, I mained a frost DK.

But basically, feral forever.

Right now, I’m also playing Black Desert Online, where I have a single character: a Lahn. Lahn and feral have few traits in common:

  • both are melee
  • both bring some feeling of freedom, as both can fly and are very mobile on the long run.
  • both have (or at least had) a dancing feeling. Actually, pretty much all abilities from Lahn refers to some dance stuff, while feral used to have this dance feeling with shapeshifting. Not so much right now, since you can live your feral live in cat form almost all the time.
  • lorewise, both have a concept of “finding balance”.
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Ive played whichever class ive found most fun regardless of meters. And i try to only play classes with a tank or healer spec as i like dungeons too much.

Once i slow down on my main, swap between some alts

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Mainly play rogue… I have a few alts, like my paladin tank.
But I don’t bother gearing any of my alts now, because it’s a pain in the backside to do the cloak quest and grind out cloak levels on more than one character.
Ion must really hate alts…

I’ve always preferred rogues/assassins/scouts/thieves in all games that allow the option. Playing it sneaky has always been a favorite.
Even in DnD I prefer rogues.

i did play hunter back in guild wars days and thats my main at the minute :thinking:

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Yes and yes. I hunt whenever I can! :bow_and_arrow:

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I have this main plus two alts that get varying degrees of attention. Love the monk pinball movement, class fantasy, and aesthetic. Fond of my druid, would be my main if monk didn’t exist - and indeed it was my main in Wrath and Cata :slight_smile: Hunter has consistently been my “other alt” since vanilla, it’s just a chill class to play because you don’t get a lot of panic moments or deep complexity :joy_cat:

Spec-wise, I have all 3 set up for monk, though I’ve taken to a healing role for raids an M+ since BfA. Finding it a bit more comfortable than the frantic slap-slap-slap of dps or the encyclopedic knowledge required to tank. OTOH I’m entirely capable of stepping into lower content, say a +6 or TW, in any role, and will happily do so to assist friends.

Don’t really play any other games that are remotely similar. I guess my regular D&D character has short bursts of mobility, plus heals and a teleport, but that’s about where the comparison stops :slight_smile:

(Edit: this isn’t to say I wouldn’t be interested in trying other classes… I just can’t give them the time. Tried having a mage as a 4th alt, and while I enjoyed playing it, it’s just gotten neglected and I’ve admitted I’m not going to be picking that up again in the near future.)

Whilst I do switch it around, and try varying classes, with varying degrees of success (I just can’t get on with Priest for some reason, I don’t mean end content, I mean just questing and levelling, can’t get on with it) I do -always- have a Go-To.

Now bear in mind if I make a character, because of my realm, its an RP character. I give them a background and I expect them to be able to look the part, in terms of what weapons they can equip, and armour they can wear. My MU Frostwolf Orc? No brainer, had to be Hunter, because there is a really good set of armour from WoD that is mail, but mainly because I can actually have my Wolf companion. My G.C.O Gnome, just like the ones in game, has to be Rogue.

So to me it is very based on what character concept I am going for.

This said, I have noticed one class and spec I really do seem to favour, and have done for years now.

Marksman Spec Hunter. Stuck with it through thick and thin, when its been awesome, and when its been rubbish, and I actually think I’m pretty darned good with the Spec.

I mainly play one class.
I like the idea of playing one character and progress on a single character.

When it comes to other games I usually Necromancer, if able, or Mage.

Depends on what you’re looking for on a class.
You should try to find weakness and strengths.

For instance, I used to play different classes but I finally find my fitting class.
I made my decision based on fantasy, looks and gameplay.

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My main in vanilla was a priest
TBC-WOTLK-Cata-MOP a paladin tank.
WOD-legion fire mage
BFA broke me a bit… first season pala tank, season 2 frost mage, season 3 SV hunter, season 4 BM hunter, but I rolled a monk 120, a Druid 120, a priest 120, a rogue 120, and currently a warrior 86… I never had thoughts of levelling other chars like now, perhaps this expansion isn’t that great. Too much to do with very long time gate.

Up until BFA I was mainly playing a single class (paladin) but I never settled for just a single spec. For me tha felt out of place (which is why I absolutely hated the dual specialisation restriction until Legion eased on it.) Even then I had a number of alts back in WOTLK (Druid, DK, Warrior) but I never got the chance to play them at a serious level.

After dabbling into mythic raiding for the first time at the end of Legion I decided to branch out and try my hand at ranged DPS (before I only really play melee because only they had tank specs.) Now I would say I have three mains now: This mage for raiding, my paladin for when I need to heal and my monk whom I mainly play as brewmaster for raiding if I need to step in as a third tank, or we need a backup for one of our main tanks.

As for other games I wouldn’t say so. Despite me choosing paladin as my ‘main’ way back then in fantasy games I tend to gravitate towards casters, mainly support type of casters.

I have tried playing paladin, but the unpredictable nature of it means i can’t write a macro that i can use for every fight.

WW Monk gives me what i need. a moveset that allows me to write a macro and few contingency moves. this fits me because I have something like dyslexia which makes it hard for me to hold too much information in my mind at once.

it also allows me to focus on my positioning and allows me to be quick and agile. I can be aware of what other players are doing and I can adapt in fights in ways that a lot of other players can’t. I am usually the best at avoiding positional attacks and giving the healer an easy time and i am good at helping a tank in some situations by taking some aggro and taking the pressure off.

in other games, I tend to min/max a lot, invest in passive abilities and focus on purity. in D&D I play a elf ranger.

with regards to most charts, I don’t pay too much attention. I am good at playing my setup and that makes me better than the best class played by a mediocre player.

I created my account (and this warrior) in the summer of 2016, a couple of months before Legion landed. I have always played this guy as my main ever since.

I have a 111 Dark Iron warrior alt which I use exclusively for farming old content, due to his ridiculous speed.

That’s about it pretty much.

My first character was a mage and i mostly played that because thats what my friend played when he introduced me to the game and was the class he could teach me. Around cataclysm it got kind of stale and i made lots of alts and druid was just the right fit for me.

I don’t know what it is, every spec just clicks with me, so it was meant to be i guess.

My brain cells arent that much so I play only MM hunter cuz I cant memorize multiple class abilities and rotations. Its a real mess when I try to PvP with a new class.

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I’ve always liked the fantasy of manipulating fire.