Do you play a class that resembles you in IRL?

Nope. If I played a class that resembles me irl, I’d either play a paladin, a priest, a mage or a druid.

hmmmm, am I like my character? A chubby, laidback foodie who lives for her pets??

nah, not at all!


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No, where’s the fun in that? If I’m going to role play, then I want to really play a role. Not myself.

Plus, I’m not a big blue monster IRL last time I checked.

It’s like a literal copy… To the bone.

In a way, it could be pretty common atleast from a game play pov. Like, if you find comfortable playing a rogue, probably you’re a person who usually takes things from a safe approach, studying problems before getting to it, or a paladin if you like to lead and protect the others (pretty much like a captain in a football team or whatever). The very combat style says much, the role play one way less I guess.

As for me, for instance, I like to play mage because of its versatility and “amoral” kind of class fantasy (while I don’t really like paladins and lean more towards edgelords kind of classes like dh, dk, rogues and locks, I can’t really play them either cause in the long run they make me cringe a lot) and the “scientific” approach to things. And being able to play both good and evil roles. I guess that could say a lot about me, since I like it. I also play human, because I always get the feeling other races are too “peculiar” and I like my character being a common person in every of his aspects, beginning with the race.

Then there’s the role of my specific char. THAT, has not much to do with me as a person, it says what I appreciate tho, and which are my tastes. For instance, I like my character to look like a “normal” guy, with his flaws, and who can actually grow in time. It’s not directly related to myself as a person as I said, but if you think about it, it says much about me.

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Looks at all my chars

Plays every class

Wait … i just realised it

Im a jack of all trades irl, im good at alot, but not master of anything WHAT


I eh… I like water

plays a resto shaman

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