Do you play World of Warcraft to "escape real life"?

And that is going all the way back to warcraft 2.

oil is a resource in warcraft, someone have to dig it out.

They aren’t making it about them. But you can bet every time there is some same sex couple and in particular, shock horror, same sex male couple, it’s outrage on the internet.

It’s some minor nothing character in wow that most wouldn’t even notice until the outrage starts by a few, or Wowhead covers it in an article.


You could just RP everyone is straight if it’s an issue.

That’s kind of what you’re telling others to do. Your preferences matter more than others preferences. I don’t really see how that works.


That’s funny, because most women I have met online who are legitimately women really like playing as and looking at attractive characters, including male characters in some cases.

There’s certainly a bitter portion of the population who seethe over regular people being wired to admire and appreciate conventional forms of attractiveness, though.

The same portion of the population who often have no restraint, poor hygiene and mutilate themselves after being brainwashed to loathe traditional standards of femininity and masculinity.

It’s interesting that your ilk simply can’t accept personal tastes.

That hasn’t been the case from my experience and there are plenty of gay players - myself included - who recognise it as exactly what it is; performative pandering.

I have noticed a lot of people who are not even gay themselves praise such things because it allows them to portray themselves as an ‘ally’ and get a pat on the back for doing as such, though.

I would point to Dion and Terence in Final Fantasy XVI as an example of a gay couple handled well. Their relationship isn’t at the forefront, they’re both conventionally attractive, they have more going for them than their sexuality, you don’t even learn that they’re a couple until late in the game…and they’re not the obnoxious, performative campy stereotype that many other gay characters end up being portrayed as.

It’s a stark contrast to filler quests in World of Warcraft where the characters involved have no real depth to them at all.


Part of me wants to ask why you left the “T” out, but I fear I already know the answer.

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and missed the Q! very important letter missing

Not really. I’m providing an alternative interpretation to the poster’s (specifically for the purpose of feeding the troll topic because I’m bored).

And how do you see the placement of alternative art? I mean, every gallery changes its display from time to time.

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It is my belief that those who fall under the umbrella of that particular letter and everything beyond it have very different needs, wants and goals.

I also have some rather deep concerns about the often predatory attempts to convince gay men that they would be happier acting like women or transitioning into one.

Then there is the simple fact that there are individuals under that umbrella who are now attempting to insist that ‘genital preferences are equal to bigotry’. I will not pretend not to find that disturbing, as it is really no different to the equally loathsome conversion therapy proposed by extremist conservatives.

There is much more to it of course - I have rather deep concerns relating to the risks and dangers of gender reassignment surgery. A good friend of mine sought it out, regretted it and committed suicide due to the pain and some rather gross details about the aftermath of the operation and consequences of having what is essentially a rotting, open wound between the legs.

Mysteriously those same risks are not widely published and are often censored. Each to their own, but I strongly suspect that in a decade or two or beyond that such operations will be viewed with the same contempt that the likes of lobotomies are in the present day.


Pretty sure you preferred living under Section 28. That was better, yes?

I remember that “conservative games commentator” going ballistic over pronouns in starfield, there is so much wrong with starfield but he gets triggered by customization options. same with blizz there is so much to critic this company but politics is one of the least ones.

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So are you trying to label me as an ally or out my sexuality? Either way, pretty lame. People can have their own opinions without needing to question their motives.

I have never noticed the gay couples in the past until they were pointed out and I doubt I would have noticed this time round if it wasn’t for the big furor.

Where did I ever suggest as much? You see, a key cornerstone of equality involves something not being considered to be a big deal. That includes forcing it - and at present, the existence of ESG and DEI policies suggests that depictions of such are not being done in good faith and are simply a case of pandering.

Though I looked up the Section 28 stuff and it was removed roughly twenty years ago. That’s two decades and I am rather more concerned with addressing issues more present in the here and now, admittedly.

slappy, when I first read this thread I thought you were talking about in-game politics and stuff. but some of these dudes are getting deep into woke culture which has nothing to do with the lore of this game :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I can only go on what I have seen from your posts and have noticed that you weigh in on sexuality related discussions in a way that often tries to portray the opposition as one big bigoted hivemind when in reality, I think it is far more nuanced than that.

If I am getting the wrong impression then fair enough, though there isn’t much that is authentic about such inclusions when they are there for the sake of securing ESG and DEI funding.

In the long term with how flaky businesses are they could very well turn on the very same individuals/groups they claim to be celebrating on a whim if and when it becomes financially beneficial to do so.

In short, I do not have a reason to trust that this stuff is being done in good faith - and especially not when the company itself has hired the likes of Madeline Roux, a rather nasty individual who regularly goes on anti-white and anti-male rants on her social media profiles.

To say nothing of a number of other individuals employed by the company either in a temporary or permanent role. As I said, nuance - it just so happens that a lot more people are getting smarter at seeing how all of this ties together.

There’s also the simple fact that when you seek to market a product to a global audience, you are going to get a wide variety of different opinions.


Just forget it because it’s pixels on a screen. :woman_shrugging:

People went gah gah over Tyrande and Malfurion kissing and like all others, I simply went “yeah and…?” In game about “War” I can’t say I’m all that phased/bothered about love relationships. Call me crazy but…hey…strong independent woman has thoughts of her own. Woop woop! :woman_shrugging:

For me, if your a crap paladin who’s not doing what she should be doing in my M+ - your getting kicked. It has nothing to do with you as a person, it’s everything to do with you as a bad player and you need to get better, in your own time, not mine.

No one takes every art in existence and replaces it with fruits…




I don’t like that every time these discussions come up we see all the same homophobic/transphobic replies. I don’t like that it’s more offensive and there is more outrage when the story involves two males as opposed to two females.

Whilst I agree we have no significant same sex couple stories/pairings I really don’t see why it’s worth the upset and outrage we see every time these topic comes up. I can’t comment on the FF characters, I really didn’t last more than a month or two at that game.

Opinions are fine, bigotry is not.

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In regards of (gender) politics, yes.

Don’t get me wrong, diversity can be done right. But Blizzard isn’t doing it right, compared to games like Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077…

That aside, I play WoW because IRL is boring. Not because I want to escape my real life.

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Yes. And no.

No because I am not dissatisfied with my life, and therefore have no need to seek WoW to get a better one. This wasn’t always the case though - I got bullied in school.

However, WoW is a roleplaying game, and being a roleplaying game means I can disappear into the role of being a Pandaren mage instead of being the real me, and this sort of play-pretend can be incredibly fun; which means that I, to the extent possible, do not want IRL to enter my WoW experience until and unless I get to know someone so well that I want to “break the barrier” so to speak.

So in that sense I use WoW as an escape; because that’s what it innately does.

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