Do you play World of Warcraft to "escape real life"?

They still aren’t making it about them. It has no impact on you or your M+ if there is a same sex couple in the game, or if there is a trans npc, or if there are black npcs or oriental npcs etc etc.

You can be as obsessed with whatever aspect of the game you enjoy. They aren’t trying to take anything away from you.

But male gaze is only bad if male profit? Because how else do you explain so many woman Twitch streamers main selling point being to satisfy the male gaze.

And neither am I…the thread is about escaping real life…people need to take their real selves out of this and actually be players of a game. (How horrific - to be a player of a video game…)

Sorry dears - nobody here is special…your just “you people.” (myself included) :woman_shrugging:

Yet instead of just concentrating on what you enjoy you felt the need to comment that they are making it about them. They aren’t.

But my mom said I’m special… although she does tend to be a lie a lot.


Ok whatever…

Yeah, sorry sweetheart…she lied…

I play WOW because I hate people. I’m anti-social IRL, and I don’t want to have to engage with stupid people at all. Which you could easily avoid before in WOW. But now… not so much. Making me hate WOW as well.


Source ?


You said she lied alot.

Yes! I despise people.

I’m not a credible source, I’m special.

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Too late to back out now… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Court is out on this one.

I imagine for role players it’s a great escape, at least for some.

You can make up this whole backstory etc. Live out that character’s life.

I demand a list of names and addresses. To convince the members of the court personally ofc.

Sorry, Data Protection Act 2018.

Screw the rules I have money.

No amount of money will have me bend the rules…keep that void touched money…eww

How about if I give you 4 healthstones and an imp.

Tempting, but I hardly deal with Arcane Magic, let alone Fel Magic…

2 imps then? I might even consider throwing in a manual.

I don’t think so :no_good_woman: