Do you recommend havoc in 10.2?

Oh really?

  1. Chaos Strike
  2. Felblade
  3. Immolation Aura
  4. Blade Dance
  5. Eye Beam
  6. Essence Break
  7. The Hunt
  8. Sigil of Flame
  9. Throw Glaive
  10. Fel Rush

I don’t even want to know how much you missed math class but it is 10 for me and we don’t even talk about metamorphosis, elysian decree, fel barrage, vengeful retreat and some defensive stuff like blur, chaos nova, disrupt, netherwalk, fel eruption, imprison, darkness.


My comment was laced with sarcasm but I see it was lost on you.

Your comment was a joke that’s 3+ years too old and irrelevant. I was initially suckered into leveling havoc in S1 by people saying it’s still a braindead easy class only to find out that they have no clue what they’re talking about.

I did love the simplicity of Legion/BFA havoc because it was an awesome class for learning the fights and pumping with an easy rotation, but that build is now terrible and your only real option is a suicidal playstyle that makes normal mechanics much harder because you have to keep jumping around everywhere.


I don’t think Demonic was a thing whole Legion. It became good in last raid tier (Antorus) and had some cheesy 100% life leech potential at certain bosses before.

Every build i see has demon blades
It’s like the must have talent now they keep saying
But i don’t like it
Ret palas have it to A talent that makes crusader strike auto attack

Yes, illidari are strong!

Yeah, still can literally one shot even holy priest with more 1m HP.

I find Havoc to be very fun to play now but you need the 2/4 pc tier from Emerald Dream.

Blade Dance throwing a Glaive for free and the Glaive reducing the cd of The Hunt by like 4 seconds each cast is huge.

Our DPS is really good and the rotation feels complex enough. Compared to BfA/Shadowlands we feel like a full class.

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Havoc DH is extremely… ridiculously… overpowered atm :sweat_smile:

So if you wanna main it this patch, then it’s only a good decision meta wise. :slight_smile: Whether or not its a “long term main” can only you decide, since that depends on “fun”.

Yuuuuuup, they are so strong atm, that even a “average” PvPer can go up against skilled players using other classes. Most people just completely avoid DHs this patch, in PvP. You either gotta MASSIVELY out-skill them, or over-gear them. :grimacing:

This meme needs to die, DH is a whole class in DF.

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