pvp/pve wise? cheers
you need to sweat like crazy to compete dps-wise, while many other classes can play with one hand tied behind their back and still do a bit more dps than you do.
you might have no competition in Algethar Academy if you know how to BoS like a pro. you get like 40% of overall dps just from the branches…
In the raid, your favorite boss will be The Council, frost can also be unparalleled there.
Other than that - FDK sucks.
not even touching that in Dragonflight.
Frost does pretty damn well in raids. However pretty low in m+.
Its fun, i wouldnt rly say you have to sweat ur fingeds off for it, as tbh as ive tried several classes they all feel about the same.
BoS is still our best build however. So if u didnt like it prior you still wont like it.
Pvp wise ive heard nothing positive of FDK so on that and without experiencing it myself im going to say likely isnt that fun
Your better off playing unholy in all modes however.
No. FDK is the slowest, laggin peace of garbage right now…
We arent the slowest. Paladins are slower.
If playing Palas feels like you are playing with 300 ping, then I will agree…because that’s how I feel when I pushing FDKs skills
Playing Paladin. feels like Soemones broken all ur limbs and have a 5 year old child kick u repeatively Around a race course competing afgainst a Lambroghini.
not only are u the slowest, entirely outmatched and robbed of any ability to win.
but ur Sheer existance will be continous pain.
I’m one of those madmen who play Obliteration in both PvE and PvP, and this is my take on it all.
PvE Frost works pretty well, it’s not top-tier but neither is it bottom tier. BoS is the “best” because it is very straight forward and a great frost DK can keep it up 100% of the time. Obliteration i’d say is the more fun build and it can do some massive cleave damage, though requires much more setup.
In pvp the same issue occurs for frost: Compared to other specs, it requires more for the same damage output. However there’s a playstyle of massive cleave damage that has potential, problem is that it is very easy to counter and easy to spot the setup.
Overall Frost is a easy to learn, difficult to master spec. People joke about frost dk’s only pressing 3 buttons, however the better comparison is like playing guitar hero on expert difficulty, and your flow being very dependant on procs.
third party pov: frost dk talents looks very sus, it is like obliteration crits spam is part of routine rotation, not smth you can setup and feel rewarding.
It’s how machinegun frost plays. Once per minute (less with icecap), you go ham and just do a pendulum of Frost Strikes, Obliterates and HB if Rime Procs. And once you get good with it you know how to utilize it more efficiently and time it with RW.
Here’s the issue: It requires a lot more setup and execution for the same reward as other classes that simply do less.
It is fun, but could use some buffs in M+ and PvP.
In M+, BoS is near impossible to keep up in M+ when you constantly have to go from pack to pack while also kiting Spiteful and dodging random stuff on the ground.
In PvP, BoS has a 70% PvP modifier or something, and has been useless since legion, where it was gutted. It makes Obliteration the only viable spec in PvP. Meanwhile, Obliteration spec only deals subpar damage during your Pillar of Frost, and it is easily countered by a disarm, cc or kiting. You have literally 0 pressure outside of your Pillar of Frost.
However, the biggest issue with frost is how many globals you have to spend before you can start pumping damage / Obliterate crits. Frost DK is a setup class, but before you can burst you need to use a global on: Death Grip, Blinding Sleet, Death and Decay, Abomination Limb, Chill Streak, Frostwyrm’s Fury, (Remorseless Winter), and then a Frost Strike or Howling Blast to proc you Killing Machine for your Obliterate crit. That is 7+ globals you have to use as preparation. Would be nice if some of them had their GCD removed or actually dealt damage. Why does Frostwyrm’s Fury hit for 15k? Why is Abomination Limb Shadow damage? Why is Death Grip and Death and Decay on GCD?
Which is sad, that with new expansions and new class changes, that such nerfs still exists because frankly; someone forgot to remove it. BoS is easy to counter too and requires a extreme amount of effort from the Dk to keep running in PvP, why shouldn’t that be rewarding?
This is an excellent point. The long setup for close to the same reward as other classes spamming 2 buttons. Just the Slight GCD change would make things flow so much better.
FDK sucks for pvp
theres literally 10 people at rank1 compared to other classes that are 100-200+ at rank 1
FDK is akin to balance druid in terms of weakness for pvp, balance druid also suffer with bad PVP representation
- the problem with FDK is theres no Mortal wounds effect and the spec is SOOO CLUNKY AND SLOW
care to elaborate on that extreme amount of setup? because it doesn’t really look that complicated, rather it takes experience and knowledge of the enemy cds in order to choose a window when unleash that burst
Think that’s answers most of your question. You can’t be as reactive as other classes may be. You’re also at the mercy of those 12 seconds of PoF being your burst window, which means that disarms can counter it, roots etc.
I’m not saying it’s worthless either, i love playing Frost in PvP and i like the challenge.
Which is sad, that with new expansions and new class changes, that such nerfs still exists because frankly; someone forgot to remove it. BoS is easy to counter too and requires a extreme amount of effort from the Dk to keep running in PvP, why shouldn’t that be rewarding?
Yep, exactly. By using BoS you sacrifice the ability to self sustain through Death Strikes as it would deplete your Runic power, as well as forcing you to play offensively in order to keep up your BoS. It is high risk but with 0 reward haha
Too be fair, people would instantly complain on the forums because they can’t zug zug ooga booga in the middle and ignore the DK minty fresh breath in their face.
I changed to Unholy a few days ago. Learned the spec from scratch. I am very happy with my DPS right now. So much better.
the only thing I don’t like is small numbers and poor visuals and sfx on abilities. Not as engaging as frost.
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