"Do you think I have big mom energy" - alexstrasza

So alexstraszas voice line after clicking her a few extra times is “Do you think I have big mom energy?”

I guess that’s fine, but portraits, little jokes, and what not they removed during SL were not? :joy:

Make up your mind blizzurd.

Here’s a proof since some people will ask for it surely - https://twitter.com/GossipCurlG/status/1597992307537891331


To be fair she does have massive mom energy. Her whole schtick is looking after/raising babies. And, y’know, she’s like 50ft tall in her dragon form. Literally a massive mommy.

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I have enough dad-energy to create triplets.

cringe yikes

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100% this.

But she is the best mommy around ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

for sure, she got me barking, but that’s not the point of the thread

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I mean she has thousands of kids and her whole powerset being “the Lifebinder” as well as primarily caring for the flight’s eggs means she’s mostly doing mom things, so I’d assume yes, she does have that energy.

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