Do you think the story arc of BfA can be redeemed?

Post thrice if you want your MVP status back.


The only thing sadder than BfA story is Jito’s quest to become MVP again.


The only thing sad here is that this is a discussion topic, I share my opinion on what I believe in regards to the storytelling, and all you have to respond with are infantile insults and ad hominem attacks.

For shame.

How can you be this intolerant and childish just because someone makes a post and shares an opinion that’s not to your liking?!

Grow up.

That’s all nice and tragic, still no MVP for you.


How can you assume that this poor soul want to do reach something like this? Did you read the PvP forums?

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Who cares about me being or not being an MVP besides you? What is this, some latent outburst of jealousy or what?!

If you have nothing to contribute with in regards to the topic of discussion, then kindly take your crap attitude and go be annoying somewhere else.

Like, seriously. Try to at least pretend to be slightly above the age of 4.

Nah, am just teasing you.


In my opinion the new Star Wars movies and GoT Season 8 are also very nice. Don’t you think so too?

I can’t take you serious, you basically love every aspect of the game when 99% of other players dislike X part or Y part.

The story has gone to hell and back and you still think it is excellent and you have been the only person to think of it like this which either leaves you delusional or have an ulterior motive, I.E wanting your MVP back.


Jito used to be an MVP?

Dude, I don’t know you. I don’t think we’ve ever had a conversation before. If we have, it’s been forgettable.
I was an MVP like 8 years ago. If that is somehow still on your mind, then my identity seems to take up some weird space in your long term memory. Kinda disturbing, to be honest.

Like to the others, if you have something constructive to contribute with, feel free.
But this pointless whatabout-ism is childish and unconstructive. I care not for it.

Now, now! Relax. No negativity in the dojo, remember?


I’ll leave you to discuss this, or whatever it is you’re doing. Have fun. :+1:

Not unless they destroy the Horde and ban it’s players. This game has way too many psychopaths playing it.

But this is stellar story-telling. I read the script out loud to a lizard, he turned into a dinosaur.

The story is so good as if it was written by Tolkien and Martin in his best days, with a smattering of Dante and the old Classics. I think I can smell a faint note of Virgil and Horatio in Anduin’s heroic quest.

The story is amazing, I don’t know what you are complaining about.

Sure, the Horde is going through a recycled MOP and self-cannibalizing phase, the Alliance has been turned into a glorified moron with plot holes literally everywhere, the lore is jumbled and makes no sense while evoking a distinct sense of nausea. But that’s great!

Yes, literally the entire story forum is trembling about what will hit us next (both factions), but this is some great story-telling. I believe Blizzard needs a Nobel literature prize, which shall be awarded to Christie Golden.

And all of you people who claim this is just cheap drama with butchered characters, you are all haters, and can unsub!


Lol this thread got Jito’d


Mocking. That’s mocking. And really, you could work on the quality of your mockery, the start was good, but it became stale very fast.

You’ll get there, champ!

The joviality needed for proper mockery has been long ago replaced in me by bitterness. Feel free to take over next time, though.

No, but seriously, I do find Jito’s post quite interesting here, because the argumentation, sincere or not, is quite different from our usual circle…tug.

What is highlighted here is how the experience, heavily carried by the cinematics, made her feel. The argument isn’t about cohesion or immersion, it is how watching characters other than the player do their thing affected her.

So, taking her by her word, she might really be the target audience of that kind of storytelling. The person who likes the cinematic experience in the game, the big larger-than-life moments. The person who likes rule-of-cool moments. Reading the forums it is easy to get the impression that nobody likes that, to the point that Jito’s motives are immediately questioned… but why would that be the case, if the devs so obviously like their own stuff?

I do think this is a minority opinion on the forums. And it is quite a pivotal one. I think a majority of posters would point quite a bit farther back to describe what made Warcraft great than world souls and naga.

The “alien” stuff, the gods and monsters of a time before time, that seems to be of interest here, not sword and sorcery and being a little adventurer that maps out the world and saves some uncultured peasants again and again. If one is much more interested in the plans surrounding the whole universe than the suff that is affecting your kingdom of choice, is it any wonder that the growing prevalence of big, cosmic moments is appreciated?

This is another interesting thing. She actually looks at metrics outside of this grumpy group of disappointed story nerds. I actually looked up the view counts for those cinematics and… close to 10 mio for the HD ones really isn’t bad. I do think it is a mistake to confuse engagement with like, but it is just as questionable to assume that we represent the majority here.

And we can be quite certain that Blizzard would be more likely to look at the view count than towards the 20 or so disgruntled people posting here. The dislike-ratio isn’t even bad for them. There aren’t that many likes, but there are much, much less dislikes. How could they look at that and see the cinematics and the story as something that isn’t really working out? We have to remember that they, like Jito, start with the basic idea that their own work was quite well. You would have to give quite strong evidence to convince them otherwise. And these numbers support them, rather than undermine them.

Apart from that I wholeheartedly disagree with all of her points, as I mentioned a few times before. But I did have a negative reaction to the way her position was treated, because I did think there were some interesting things said.

Also… I just watched a video about the psychology of brand-loyalty, and about how when we are uncertain about the qualities of a brand, we tend to stick to extreme positions of rabid hate or unreasoning defense. It seemed… erm, applicable. ( if someone is strange enough to watch that for fun like me instead of… something more fun or more authoritative…)


That’s very harsh. I’m pretty sure there are people that genuinely like the entire bfa story. These things aren’t just written and then instantly released, someone does like them. And as I said I actually liked the small zone storylines (both factions), it’s just the rest of it feels unnecessarily epic.

And that’s not because they don’t listen to the community, on the contrary. But everyone wants “their” race, “their” faction and “their” favourite character to be the greatest, best and most epic thing in the game. If you make a story by what most people want, then what you get will be no more than average. You can’t be democratic in creativity.