Do you think we'll ever see one of the OG Horde races again?

Im of course talking about the Ogres. I really like them because they’re something very unique to the Warcraft universe. Their culture and their two headed magi. I loved to quest with the Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow, and seeing some of their heritage on Draenor. The last we saw them was on the starting isle.

Do you think we’ll ever see them in the world, or are they forgotten?

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I think the only reasson they not been added could be the lack of female Ogre models? :thinking:
I mean we never seen or heard them
And maybe because the common Ogres never were portrayed as… bright
Dumber than a Peon so to speak (wich is strange, since the had an Empire and strong magic and quite a navy made out stone)
Mostly in a loincloth or a toga
I guess it was easier to make new (and unecesarry - well except the Vulpera, basically the first non-variant race since god knows when) race than make the Ogre 'workable"
While it is true, the mysterious island of Ogrezonia is said to be inhabited by giant female ogres who are rumored to perform horrible rituals on men who happen upon their island :flushed: I don’tthink that is a “good start” - especially not in these turbulent 2024 times
Not to mention, accoring to the Bash Ale: “No self-respecting ogre goes into battle sober” :roll_eyes:
Immagine the backlash… :grimacing:
The funny thing is… with the Titanic and Arcane heritage, Ogres would be ideal members of the Alliance
They not really joined the Horde out of sheer joy you now!
On the main universe, the Gorian Empire wasn’t the best of friends of the orcs, after the little incident with the Throne of Elements ignited a great war between the ogres and the orcs, and the Red Pox, basically a biological/magical weapon designed by the Ogres wiped out countless Orcs, but they ultemately lost Goria, their capital to the Orcs… but from the Orcs part, that was more of a pyrrhic victory.
The empire was eventually destroyed during the rise of the Old Horde. During the orcs’ war against the draenei, most ogres joined the Horde. That is, except for the ogres of their capital Highmaul, and Blackhand wanted the last holdouts dead. After the orcs destroyed Shattrath, the Warsong clan and Twilight’s Hammer clan went to Highmaul, with their chieftains Grommash Hellscream and Cho’gall (the latter an ogre himself, exiled from Highmaul) also part of the siege. Eager to exact vengeance, Cho’gall personally killed Imperator Mar’gok. With the powers of fel and the Void, he bound Mar’gok to his throne and burned him alive
On AU Draenor, Imperator Mar’gok to aligned himself with the orcs to ensure the Gorion Empire’s continued survival when the Iron Horde made its debut…
Either version, the Ogres who remained, had no choice, but join or die.
They are survivors of the wars of the Orcs and tho’ they have a certain worldview (like Coliseum fights, slavery, etc, Roman Empire style) that is not that different from the Humans and they have more in common with the Draenei and the Humans of Azeroth (both suffered from the hands of the Orcs and were almost destroyed) than the Horde races.
We just got used to think Ogre = Horde

Doubt it sadly. If they didn’t show them yet they won’t be here any time soon. Like WoD and Bfa had the potential but didn’t use it.

Well, the next 3 addons don’t seem to play in zones with ogres, so I certainly wouldn’t expect them within 5-6 years. I don’t think the lore was ever the problem, I think Blizz just never expected them to be popular enough to be worth the effort of creating playable variants.

Playable or not, though, I do think a world remake of one kind or another is on its way, either at once or in parts, and that should probably bring some ogre stories with it.

Not ingame, but there is at least one in the Traveller novels, with illustration.


The best time to do something with them was during Warlords of Draenor but if my memory isn’t failing me there were tentative plans to expand on them during that expansion that simply never manifested.

Even during the so called Orc expansion the Orcs were actually just mob fodder while the hero time went straight to the Draenei. Blizzard hates the Horde that is sure.

And the second best time whas in BfA with the Mag’har. Because beside the Mag’har also Ogres escaped. But yeah I hope that maybe during the Trilogy we will finally get Ogres and Broken as Allied Races.

Blizzard hates the Horde. That much is obvious.

Technically yes, but with the amount of new models and races that have been introduced since you can also argue that there’s no real reason that female ogre models don’t exist already.

They actively choose not to make female ogres.
As for their appearance, I would argue the archaic look hinted at in WoD nagrand would be a good fit which I can only really describe as greco-roman if it happened in the stone age

Considering that Ogres are part of the lineage of Grond which means they are of the line of the titan Aggrammar they would be as alliance as orcs are tho, because the orcs, who are the horde, are directly part of the lineage of Grond.

As such I would still place them with the horde as the most likely fit, because the orcs are closest to them out of all the other races to the point where they are part of the same creation family line if that makes sense

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