Do your research before Rping as something unique

This has been a fascinating (and thankfully civil) discussion, but it raises questions about RP possibilities for humans. Human characters can have a variety of ethnic appearances at the character creation phase, but we only know of…what is it, seven human kingdoms? All of them seem to be European in flavor. The Wastewander Bandits in Tanaris/Uldum have some Arabic or Arabic-derived names, but it’s never explained as to why. Humans were all from the Eastern Kingdoms, right? So are the tans that Wastewander humans have just from the sun? Why did they stop having old English/stereotypical medieval fantasy names and start using Semitic names when they suddenly arrived in Kalimdor?

It’s tough because the OP makes a good point about doing proper research, but there are also a lot of gaps in lore about Azeroth - we really only know about warfare and military history of the planet, and little else. Is a person pushing it to claim, for example: “I’m a human but my kingdom is native to Kalimdor”?

I blame latin alphabet. Probably the only “exotic” language that uses latin letters. Easy to replicate, no need for further research.

This s true, therefor why headcanon happens often. Not only for humans, but I would also say even more for other races. Especially when it comes to more day to day life or for non-combat Roleplay.

But we do have no knowledge of Kalimdor kingdom. So instead, why not make your character son/daughter of merchant parents that traveled the world a lot, happened to settle down in Kalimdor later in their life instead of creating an entire Kingdom in your head as a headcanon? As far as we know, humans weren’t interested in or settled in Kalimdor enough to create a whole Kingdom there until the third war. You can be “vague” when it comes to explaining certain aspects of your daily life/background instead of creating a whole alternative universe of roleplay where other interactors wouldn’t need to read whole wiki pages, like Moonguard Headcanon.

The furthest South I would place a human’s birthplace at is the edge of Stranglethorn, as part of a merchant’s family selling all sorts of exotic old Troll stuff. (exotic to humans).

Furthest north, I’d say the Plaguelands.
Not Northrend.
Never Northrend.

I get the frustrations, I’m personally someone who has a realistic vieuw uppon roleplay, though I keep in consideration the fact Wow is an Mmo so some might RP from a very magical perspective and really go full lengths with the fantasy character of the game.
Though what bugs me the most at times is that as you say, no one does any research and just goes on with their things.
From Ebon Knights taking a stroll into the cathedral to druids who stay shapeshifted for hours… And don’t get me started on the trend of these dragon aspects spring offs…

How dare people play high-fantasy characters in a high-fantasy setting!



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It’s not that I forbid them from doing so, afterall it is a fantasy setting.
But I won’t be the only one who seeks a more realistic approach, from what I’ve seen so far and engaged with people often RP something cool and mysterious, but seem to have infinite mana pools and no counters.
I mean, everytime I see someone claiming to be an Archmage IC that does grind my gear, your character doesn’t have to be lorewise OP in order for it to be cool.
I don’t have to take these claims serious, but instead of going on the name bashing train that many jump on I just wanted to point out it’s also just easy to live and let live.

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I think there are a lot of cool and flavourful ways one can represent having cast too much spells in RP. In the lore, Jaina and I believe it was Aegwynn who were carrying around food on their person almost all the time, because while a mage didn’t technically ran out of mana yet, casting still took its toll on theire body.

Get nosebleeds or dizzy, act fatigued, take a longer time to cast even simpler spells and have less powerful results then when you were at your max, those kinds of things.

Even with other types of magic that aren’t arcane, you can get creative.
Druids can emote plantlife and vegetation around them starting to power their spells and going grey and dead when they’ve been casting a lot, shamans can have entire spells fail due to having to ask the elements and not being actually self powered like others, illidari and warlocks can start sipping on soul shards or use their own life force, and void elves/shadow priests can start becoming more unstable with the whispers after extensive casting.

I’m just rambling now, bringing up random examples but, point being, not being invincible and tireless, failing or having a hard time makes for far more interesting RP than what otherwise would be.
Everyone gets tired after a while and no one is going to succeed at everything. They’re good ways to make even your spellcasting, more fantastical character feel grounded and relatable.


First of all, there’s no such thing as half-vrykul human, humans are descended from the vrykul. You are either one of these or you are not, you can’t be both.
I have nothing against people born elsewhere than known cities or towns.
Could be born in southern lands for all I care. Just that there are no turkish, spanish or whatever dialects, those simply don’t exist in WoW.
Now Vrykul traders are nearly everywhere, just not in racial capitols.
Except Zul’dazar and Boralus of course. And then you can pray to whatever deity you want. Prayers are mostly done in silence anyway. It may seem strange to others though if you prayed to ancestors at a moonwell or whatever. I am sure light does not mind, Light is a primal force not an actual being that could be jealous or anything.

How about a draenei child that got slightly corrupted with the fel element after playing with fel infused weapon at young age?
She had to abandon the way of light in order to fight back the Fel magic inside of her. Velen and the Naru have tried to infuse into her more light magic to fight the Fel back but it ended up doing nothing, they were unable to help with the corruption so they have decided to send the young girl at the age of 6 to the pandaren temple (she is now 18), so they could have one problem away from them hoping wise pandarens with their discipline will be able to teach her controlling it, the decision was made due to Velen who had a vision about the girl fighting without weapons so he concluded she should become a monk. After many years of monks training, meditation and discipline she carried out a way to use arcane and fel, combining them together (like yin and yang) creating large amount of chi which she feels a need to release often. Since then she decided to join the alliance order, because she feels a lot better fighting in a war using out excessive amounts of chi.
She has white skin and blonde hair which is the effect of lightforging failure, and light green glowing eyes is caused by the fel magic inside of her, as well as her horns having unusual shape.
Fel magic is also a reason why she suffers from Bipolar affective disorder

I did my research to extent, i think it should be plausible lore for my draenei. :stuck_out_tongue:

Assuming I understood DK lore correctly, all they need to do to stay “fueled”, is inflict pain… Which often happens when they use their abilities, so it’s a dark sort of “win-win” :slight_smile:

I try to remember that, if I have RPed a DK for a long time without hurting anyone,
so I can say (in character),

“Oh, pardon me, I really need to go hurt someone now… Do you know if there are any bandits or other criminals in this area?”

It is true, they feel this hunger (it is called eternal hunger) to inflict pain and death. Which of course can be roleplayed “behind the scenes” if you want or you can go with within the guild or whatever. Some people find it edgy. I say crazy teen assassins are edgy, not death knights.

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The backstory looks like something made using this thing… relating your character to lore figures is a large no-no. The timeline makes no sense either, how would 12 years pass since she was able to be sent to the pandaren’s temple? Pandaria was explored less than 12 years ago, to my knowledge.
Arcane + Fel = Chi isn’t part of the lore either.


What time have pandarens temple been discovered?
The velen relation is not too strong, it does not change anything for velen, he is just making his duties as a leader of draenei that landed on azeroth.

Chi energy in WoW universe as far as i know directly relates to the Confucian Meta-physics philosophy, its not described what chi exactly is, just a life force but so is in Confucian theology.

Pretty sure Pandaria as a whole was discovered with the launch of the Mists of Pandaria expansion, which going by the official timeline of 1 year per WoW expansion gives us… three years between this and the start of BfA? Even if we don’t go by that and follow RL years instead, Mists of Pandaria was released in 2012.

Well if thats the case im going to rethink it all, thanks thou. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Chi is actually the fifth element of Spirit. Where shamans channel the element around them, monks channel their own spirit via mastery of the self.


Also pretty sure chi is classified as nature magic.

Chi is the fifth Element, Spirit actually.
Ingame it deals nature damage because ‘spirit damage’ doesn’t exist.

It’s the mastery over Chi that Monks can gain that Pandaren also discovered Shamanism.

it means peace be upon you. So simply to keep the intention of english, translate it to “peace be upon you.” And you may respond any way you wish.
If they refer to the expansion of that greeting, which refers to the addition of the love and blessing of Source, you may refer that Source to be the love and blessings of Blizzard Entertainment, which you can also devotingly refer to for your preference to speak english on an english realm. May the peace and blessings of Blizzard Entertainment be upon you and them aswell.

Literally, to prevent the invocation of the wrath/bann of blizzard entertainment, thus a valuable sharing of compassionate and mutually beneficial intention, that is undeniable and irresistable, such as the ever expanding source of all creativity, through which we co-create our social interactions here on this magnificantly creative platform.