Do your research before Rping as something unique

I write this because I’ve seen a lot of snowflakey characters lately that make no sense whatsoever.
Such as humans born in Tanaris and Uldum speaking Turkish.
Half-Ogre Humans and Half-Vrykul Humans.
Actual Vrykul RPers in Stormwind.
Night Elves of a 100+ years old born on Teldrassil and praying to Elune in the Cathedral of Light.

Do a little bit of reading, people.
It’s much more fun to be unique within the lore!


Special snowflakes rarely, or never read forum, especially not topics aimed at them
But I feel your pain… - said the Ren’dorei, followed by awkward silence and some lonely cricket chirping - anyway… Vyrkuls in Stormwind are not THAT farfatched, after the recent years, even Boralus have a trader there
Like Half-ogre humans potentially could exist…
A Half-Vyrkul is is an evolutionary anomaly I guess, like a Half Troll-Half Elf…
And you can pray to Elune anywhere… one can belive, the Light is Elune’s light after all. Try to explain to a several thousand year old preist, his/her faith is stupid and she/he is wrong
Valen tried once, but the other way around with the whole Elune is a Naaru thing, and he was lucky Tyrande was in a good mood… :crescent_moon: :skull:

Yea, no.
Vrykyul are almost universally our enemies, with one tribe of theirs being neutral.
Stormwind guards would always deny them entry.
Half Ogres, wouldn’t say so, because ogres would sooner eat their human captives than do anything else, plus, the woman would have to survive 9 months of pregnancy amongst OGRES.
Half-Vrykul? Also no, because Vrykul don’t breed with humans and the curse that brought humans about was an instant change.

Elune being prayed to everywhere is also sacrilege towards people of the Light, Elune’s faith and the Light’s faith are culturally different.
It’s like praying to Allah in a Christian church, you don’t do that…

Further about Half-human-ogre hybrids, their hybrid has never been seen on Azeroth, you’d be making up an entirely new race, not to mention, the ONLY bit of information that’s there about them is a single paragraph of SPECULATION on a WIKI site.

Not a very solid case.

Do those night elves offer people jelly babies and travel around Azeroth in a blue box?

I do lots of research for RP. Not even just lore research, I’ve been getting into sailing, HEMA, pregnancy and a lot of other real life stuff I just use to make my characters more believable. Because if I’m playing an ex privateer without any OOC knowledge on sailing, for a while, yeah, I can technically get away with it. But it’s so much more flavourful if the character calls the taffrail a taffrail, or say, you emote your character who’s an expert swordsman to actually get into a fighting stance that’s effective and not just cool looking.


Sprucing up your character with some RL knowledge on the matters is always a good step I’d say, makes it interesting to RP with them!

I feel it

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I just want to interject (as someone doesn’t adhere to any religion), on the topic of Elune vs Light and Allah vs God:

Muslims and Christians (and Jews, for that matter) pray to the same god. They may use different names, but the deity is the same.

(They interpret the will of that god vastly different, hence the stupid wars in the name of religion, but that’s beside the point.)

I surmise it’s plausible that some Azerothians think the same way about Elune and the Light…

But I still think it might be considered rude to pray to deity B in a place of worship dedicated to worshipping deity A.


There’s an issue with that. The Light is a cosmic force, whereas Elune is a direct deity of her own pantheon. It’s different religious families. It’s less like comparing the Abrahamic religions, and more like comparing the Abrahamic religions to the pagan religions. [In Elune’s case very, very celtic paganism]


At the potential risk of derailing the thread…

That’s a bit too simplistic of an explanation on Allah vs ‘God’. I would argue that Muslims do not worship the same God as Christians - or at least the beliefs about God are so radically different that they are meaningfully distinct, and recognisably so to a devoted practicer of either faith. The big obvious one is that the Christian God is trinitaria (Father/Son/Spirit) whereas a big tenet of Islam is that ‘Allah is One’, which was a deliberate historical rejection of Christianity. They might share certain characteristics but they are visibly different.

The same applies to Elune and Light in many respects. The Light is de-personified, it arguably has a will (or at least people think it does) but it is distant, indiscriminate and unpersonal. Elune on the other hand is highly anthropomorphic - she has children, she supposedly ‘speaks’ to Tyrande, she actively involves herself in events on occasion rather than just tossing out magic to the faithful. They might share certain characteristics but they are visibly different.

Anyone educated enough to be standing in the Cathedral of Light is educated enough to know it’s not for Elune. A night elf should absolutely understand that because their entire culture is based around her. There are ecumenical chapels in Azeroth - the Conclave is a huge one - but the CoL is not for cross-faith worship and people should know that both IC and OOC really.

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Not entirely true. In early Arabic myths, El-Ilah had three daughters, Al-La, Al-Uzzat and Manat (yes i had to google their names) although they were removed, erased from history and religion itself as it developed. Both are Abrahamic religions, in the end, they share enough similarities. Allah is a somewhat changed/evolved version of the word “God” in Arabic anyway.

I am not going to comment on Islamic interpretations on roleplay though. I simply don’t think it’s proper.

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I never knew that! That’s quite interesting, though I would argue it’s still quite far removed from the idea of Trinity in Christian canon/tradition.

Why is it not proper? I think it’s a valid example of similar but very distinct faiths and I don’t think anyone has said anything disrespectful. :slight_smile:

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You can find more about it, sadly old Arabic mythology almost destroyed during the invasion of Kabe.

I just think it kills the immersion “for me.” Imagine someone walking up to you with “I greet you with the name of Jesus!” Jesus doesn’t exist in WoW, either Allah. I think people don’t know the actual meaning of the words they use sometimes, language, in the end, has deep connections with culture and religion, evolves and changes with it.

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Oh I got the wrong end of what you were saying.

I think Allah is a perfectly valid point of comparison when talking about the lore in a meta sense but yes, any real-world deity should not be mentioned IC. I was definitely not arguing that.


Yup. But the thing is Arabic is a complicated language. (I am not Arabic btw, so my knowledge is limited.) But where I come from, for example, the phrase “selamun aleikum” which some roleplayers tend to use for their greetings, (another version of it how it sounds interpreted to English.) means “I greet you with the name of Allah.” And when you answer with “aleikum selam” you mean, “I accept your greeting with the name of Allah.”

So even though they don’t actually use the word “Allah” itself, they somehow still do for me. And it kills my fun to roleplay. It’s possible most translators like google would translate the phrase as simple “greetings” but it’s much more than that in language that is molded with the religion. It’s a slippery stone.

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People really use that in-game?? Eeeeeesh.

I struggle to accept myself using phrases like ‘coup de grace’ despite no better phrasing existing in English.

Totally with you on that. Server’s stated language should be used in IC channels, because they are not speaking “English” they are speaking Common, Orcish, Etc, and Uldum/Tanaris do NOT have a distinct culture to the rest of Azeroth. Unless you’re a tol’vir.

They are not tol’vir.

And Tol’vir still speak Common


Welcome to Uldum RP, I guess.

Every other guy uses foreign phrases to sound unique, because they live in a desert, they have to be turkish.

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We don’t even have one tbh.


Write what you know and know what you’re writing and it will shine.

Used by muslims and arab christians, both.

Oh god what a can of worms…


It’s the overly polite and friendly, dresses exotically, is a shifty merchant but also a master swordsman stereotype, guess that’s a bit wider than turkish but you know what I mean.

It’s completely out of place either way, with the zone’s theme being mostly egyptian.

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