Does Anchor Weed Exist?

So, I finished levelling this Shammy (Alt) a while ago,
and I decided to go pick some ‘erbs.

19 hours (/played this level) later, many many herbs (I won’t bore you with the list) but ZERO Anchor Weed. Not a single one. Nothing. Bupkis. Nada.

I remember some herbs being scarce in Legion, WoD and back in the day,
but never this crazy, famine scarce.

Very very demoralising to the point where I’m not quitting WoW,
but I am definitely quitting Herb(Alchemy).

Gratz to all the FarmBots. You win.

If it helps anything, alchemists gets an anchor weed xmute in 8.1. Though I do not know if its once a day or unlimited.

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Knowing blizzard, its probably daily and it costs 5 expulsom to make

it costs 5 herbs of each of the six types to make the xmute.

I am on the 3rd recipe now. I think to complete the quest of finding the 10 anchor pods to get the third might invole 20 hours, or more, of actual playtime. In 4 hours of playtime yesterday i managed to find ONE. Went from market flooded with Volatile life’s in cata to non-existent anchor weed. Actually they are a myth they are so rare.

The trick is to run circles in quiter areas so you can reap all the gains yourself. Stormsong or the snowy spot in drustvar is just overfarmed.

I posted this for another one of my toons. This toon has a total of 12 anchors for doing all of Kul Tiras. The whole continent and i got 12 anchors in the process. At that rate the spawn rate for AW must be %0.05? Pathetic tbh.

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Your doing it wrong.

It only spawns from ground herbs like Winter’s kiss, Akunda’s Bite, Riverbud, sea stalks.

So once you know where those spawn…run in circles of around 10 minutes and eventually the node that once spawned one of the above herbs will spawn an Anchor weed instead.

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Are you using the new Anchorweed transmute added in 8.1? You can get at least 10 per day.
Just spend time gathering the other herbs and if you by chance come across Anchorweed, bonus… But at least you can make Anchorweed daily. Only requiring 5 of each of the other herbs.

It really ain’t worth it to transmute into anchors. Your better off just transmuting into Expulsom and sell potions of herb things(follower items) for a ton of gold then buy your anchor weeds.

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