Does anyone else have this happen?

I’m wondering if this is a bug or something that just happens to me for whatever reason, when I cast SCK sometimes it just cancels the spin right away, get maybe 1 tick if even that, and I am not pressing anything else as far as I can tell, but even if I did it shouldn’t matter for at least the gcd duration, but it literally stops spinning instantly, it is really annoying specially when you pop all your cds, have a dance of chi-ji proc and you get no damage out of it.

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There are some bugs with it, yes. Seems they were a bit lazy when they allowed other casts to cancel sck again, because it’s now being cancelled by things that 100% shouldn’t. Certain toys, damage and healing events from Chi Burst, picking up Chi orbs from Touch of Death, to name a few. They just need to whitelist or blacklist the cancelling, so hopefully they manage to squeeze that in before launch.

Seems that it’s more than just Monk bug, met exactly the same bug with Rapid Fire on my Hunter yesterday during testing. Feels like channeled casts are bugged in general.

I almost hope so, since that greatly increases the chance of a fix.

Hm yeah, I have a feeling it might be something like that actually, something that passively procs like the head enchant, damage proc from the ring, Chi Wave etc etc, whatever it is, I hope they fix it quickly.

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