For those who don’t know, if a group kills a raid boss on heroic it is then next to impossible to return to that instance with a different comp that reset.
We’ve tried various suggestions - entering on an alt first, having affected people log out and back in once the raid leader is inside, putting it on normal then switching once inside, etc.
Usually these methods either straight up don’t work, or they work for a single pull before the new member is barred from entry.
We raid three nights per week and often want to swap players around between nights - for comp reasons, life commitments, etc.
There have been articles on Wowhead and the wider games media about this, but Blizzard haven’t said a word. Maybe they think this is working as intended? Maybe they’re working on a fix? It’s extremely frustrating to not know one way or the other, though not unexpected really either.
I wondered if anyone had come across a reliable, repeatable way to get around this at all? We can’t be the only guild that raids more than one night and who has benches they may want to sub in and out of a lockout. How are y’all working with it?
Yep. We’ve been able to get them into the instance, but they look and their ID is a completely different number. So the moment we wipe they’re unable to enter again.
But they absolutely have entirely fresh IDs that week, not any kills on normal or heroic of any kind.
That’s good to know that it’d work somewhat reliably, thanks! We did try that once, but the affected person immediately just muscle memory released, so didn’t really get to test it at all.
Perhaps some WA that hides the release button, similar to the one that stops you releasing until Sated has faded, could help with those accidental releases until people get used to it.
Cheers though, hopefully we can give it a try tomorrow.
Okay, so ressing people once inside does appear to work.
However, getting people into the instance to begin with is a completely different story. Did some testing with a 1/2 Heroic TotFW save tonight.
First test - two saved people entered on normal, one new person entered, switched to heroic. Got text saying it had changed, but it had not (no minimap icon, Al’Akir on normal mode HP) , leader got DC’d. Leaving and re-entering caused new person to get “you are already locked” error.
Second test - new person (on fresh unsaved alt) formed raid, set to heroic and entered. Got “instance in progress” warning - didn’t click yes. Two saved people entered. Were able to successfully pull Al’Akir and res the new person when they didn’t release.
Third test - wanted to see if the above method would work in the case of multiple swaps. Got another two fresh alts. One formed raid, set to heroic and entered. Got “instance in progress” warning - didn’t click yes. Two saved people unable to enter (“You are already locked”). Switching to normal also didn’t work, gave “You are ineligible to participate” message.
So even the way that seemed to work in test 2 does not seem to be repeatable.
So we’re back where we started - either do one instance per night or hope that the exact same ten are available for subsequent nights and mean our benches get to rotate in less frequently.
It is extremely frustrating - I don’t understand why instances can’t just work how they used to - if you’re unsaved but join one in progress for a second night you just get saved to that ID. Whatever change they tried to make in the name of “flexibility” has ironically made the game a huge amount less flexible.