Does anyone know who the MMR and CR work in BGB?

I dont think Blizzard themselves know.


I was 1.6k CR going into 2.1k matchmaking (on both teams)
My team lost - I got -15 rating, which alone makes no sense.

Next game was 2k MMR again on both sides, we win and i gain 8 rating.

Next game randomly get put in a 1.4k lobby, which we lost - i got -30 rating

There is literally 0 point thinking about MMR. You have zero control over it and as you say, Blizzard themselves probably don’t even know how it works.

The only thing worth remembering is that every time you don’t play, it gets easier to climb. If you tilt or feel you’ve got stuck for 20 games, just stop for a week and when you come back the MMR will have moved a bit and you’ll get some momentum again.


Very true mate :slight_smile:

Pic or it didnt happen.

Youll have to trust my word, it did happen.

Seems like theres no incentive to blits, for honor ? you already have to be fully honor geared.

Conquest? Literally has a cap - this weekly reset cant buy a darn thing.

Rating? Seems borked

You see, the right side of the tank is filled with mmr and cr balls…
The Blizzard Manatee will pick one and bring it to the other side of the tank where the playerpool is.

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