This is the reality of PvP with full pvp gears fully enchanted VS other equally geared players even without enchant and still cant kill an SP, but too many people low geared moaning about guardians, now 2 of us couldn’t not kill the real tank healer, i cut the video short but trust me we spent 2 hours trying to kill the SP and we never managed to, he never dies and heal infinitely, while we can see when 2 people engage a tank they easily kill him, even if they are not geared.
in the end blizz say lets nerf the druid dps, judging druid from moonfire aoe in runs ignoring thats aoe 2k in multiple targets, which `mean in one target it tickles but in many targets if you multiply the damage thats normal it will top dps but thats nothing in 1 v 1
whos the tanky class here, the druid or the priest ?
when you nerf this class maul and moonfire today then whats left? we already can kill equaly geared players? do you really ever pvp in this game? if yes, then please blizz show us one video with equally geared players where a guardian kill all pvp classes
Lets be honest, all classes here are equal in pvp except for SP that need to be nerfed otherwise give him tank status and Rogue/Hunter need to be buffed.
this video was before the nerf for guardian and as we can clearly see all other classes regenerate this HP back same as a tank or even more, the warrior was easily putting his HP back and thought at first he was a tank as well. this is what happen when you fight ppl with equal gears, forget the fake stories of people with 5% versa who complain a druid with 30% versa killed them and bow overpowered they are, any class in this video will kill 2-3 low geared players.
Now after the nerf no need to post a video to show you how awful guardian is, lowest damage fighting classes that cant die even before nerf, now we become like a low geared class easy to kill for everybody.
check the wow official solo shuffle leadboard, all classes few hours after the season went live they are already between 2.2k rating and 1.8k rating for top 50 players while guardian the best 1st world player cant get more than 1.4k , top 50 players are stuck in 500 rating
what a shame Bliz, we leave you play this class your self now and move to other games who does not abuse their players and nerf them without showing a single statistic that class over performed only because a low geared players complained and majority who play dps classes dont want a serious fight like in this video but just want to one shot tank and not having it as a challenging class, this is not a nerf its an abuse of a class
At first, they dont balance 1 v 1.
At second, youre tank. You also have aoe rdd spec that does less dmg with all its buttons while staying and casting that guardian with 2 buttons. It was before nerf.
At third, nobody loves tank in pvp becides tank. Its always unfun to play vs tank. You will only find support here from another guardian abusers. Fortunatelly, blizz started balancing this time. So now you cant abuse.
first of all i see your profile and you have no pvp gear and with 11% versa you want to kill full geared pvp players who spent lots of time farming their end game gears, thats a proper abuse, either i kill geared players with my greens and pve gears or im not happy, sorry go work on your gear, the video is a proof that all classes who works on their gears cant be killed by guardian.
2nd you are talking without any statistic, like you have no buttons to spam and your class needs a calculator and maths to click your spell.
the statistic from the official blizz dashboard show that the top 10 world Gaudian in solo shuffle have performed at their best struggling to pass 1k rating while all other classes are 2k+. the leadboard shows a real abuse with proofs
Its just because there is only few Guardians in the whole world and they are a minority thats why they dont post, in my server silvermoon which is a super active server there is only 5-10 druids and many of them are not even active.
If blizz let majority of low geared classes kick a full class then thats real abuse. Your class heals as much as a tank and thats the real abuse here but you cant see it because your class
First of all, while checking my profile you could see that character is 60 lvl. But I have 3 411 ilvl characters with ~26% versa each.
My current main is mm hunter. I cant imagine how do you look at 60 lvl dh with zererh-mortis 226 or smth near it gear and think that its my the character Im playing. So I dont see that my hunter heals as much as tank. I thought that my class have the worst sustain in the game at the moment. Im also sure that with current hunter condition guarduan will kill me in any hunter spec without chances just because it will outsustain me. And its also reply to your
Because druids sustain was barely nerfed so even with tickling dmg druid will kill hunter. It will just take long.
I play bg a lot and see that if there is guardian in my or enemy team then it always topping heal and dmg and its nearly impossible to contest if he isnt staying solo. You can also open forum and see that im not the only one who think that guardian were overtuned.
Because they are nerfed by 50% with launch of solo shuffle. Nobody say that they are op now. Their dmg is weak now and solo shuffle have 25% dampeming from start + 25% every minute. Of course they dont perform in solo shuffle. They have weak dmg (50% nerf is not a joke) and exactly in solo shuffle their healing is gutted, too. Nobody likes tank in arenas. They still can be viable in bg and rbg for their purpose - carrying flages, contesting and defending. But they shouldnt be immortal killing machines like they were day ago. Its not okay. And complains that “but you can kill him in 5 man if you use cc properly and kill all other team” sounds funny. Do you year yourself? Its not okay when this situation even exist.
Its funny when you ay i want Guardian to carry my flags, maybe please ask blizz to a class to bring you breakfast at home, how childish and ridiculous what you typing here, feels like racist against a class and fill of ego and inner self.
people who post with their low lvl class they do it for a reason to hide their mains because they are so guilty, if you are honest there is no reason to hide your mains, talk with evidence or please move to the side and watch.
You still didnt show one evidence in previous leadboard Guardian were never top of solo shuffle it was all the dps classes.
The only part where guardian were top 1v1 dps was at prepatch due to talent made for 70 lvl players but once players hit lvl 70 all dps out dps guardians in solo target
You really complain that tank dru doing more dmg than dps dru in bgs is balanced situation? You can play any other class (as I said before, no any sence now since they balanced guard) and see how childish looks defending dru in that situation. As I said before, nobody like to play against tanks on arena just because it feels unfair and unfun. It doesnt depend on tanks balance. Its just unfun. For everybody except tank.
Thank you for psychology. Or maybe I just returned to wow in prepatch, decided to play on new server, leveled up 9 classes to 60, made one of them main on forum but when df launched decided to play another class and just didnt change it because I dont feel that important and like name of my dh. Yes, im so guilty of my main. Im sorry for typing on forum from not r1 character that Ive been playing for 50 years along. Ppl like me should be banned from writing on forum and just watching because im not a player and doesnt have right to type my opinion here. I understood your not childish, adult and wise opinion. It doesnt change the fact that dru is nerfed and forum were bombarder with asks to nerf that for some reasons and now all other non-guardian classes and specs are allowed to have fun, too. Every specs are allowed to have fun. But when their fun restricts whole enemy team to have fun then there is something wrong with balance.
i will refrain to reply to your none sense as you didnt show a single dashboard of guardian topin pvp rating as i said before nerfs dps were always top rating in pvp never guardian , you also didn’t change your profile so i can see your main and keep hiding it.
And no sorry asking blizzard to allow low geared player to kill guardian thats a joke there is a video presented as evidence here showing how guardian cant kill equally geared players before nerfs , if blizz carry with this nerf and dnt fix it, we just leave the game and let blizz fix the queue by logging them self and play the low lvl class guardian
I think that main problem here that those 2 weeks there werent any type of rated pvp. How can I show you ladder if there wasnt any?..
Why should I? Because you said? Okay, boss.
Thats your choice. Game wont become worse if few fotmers will leave the game. But it would be worse if dru wasnt nerfed and if dps players would play every match vs it
you can leave the game if you cant kill guardians with your low gears, you are asking for easy class to kill, its like me asking blizz to make all DH one shot for me. Talking about DH a class that lead the top PVP rating in wow, who kill every other classes with low gears and still kill guardians, but they ask now for a one shot kill as guardians take a bit of time to kill and stress them.
and its not you who will decide if i leave or not, i emailed blizzard directors all of them and if they dnt justify this nerf with one single evidence where druid OP with same geared players then i will leave if they dont fix this none sense low dps and correct solo shuffle
dear Cream, please get some pvp gears 1st so we know that you ever touched some pvp in your life. Otherwise please carry on with the PVE content as you have some raid to do and leave this thread away from your toxicity by trying to comment on how people should use their keyboard or mouse.
Bullying can get you banned from forum, please dont forget that and respect how people play their games either by mouse or keyboard or macros or even with 1 finger for those who have learning difficulties. We respect all type of people here
As a healer I don’t want tanks in PvP either besides in BG’s. Also, what’s so serious about a fight with a guardian druid? It’s rather boring and incredibly annoying…
mangi you can just delete the game, i mean no point to even discuss anything with you here.
Imagine me been a self centred selfish person saying i dont want any x class in this game because im a pve player with 340 pve gears and i think i hate other classes so please blizz remove them and buff my pve gears so i can rock in pvp.
As i said before all people who complain are pve players who never had equal pvp gears with a guardian to know how the fight work in 1st place and you are proving this.
I mean like common , i wouldnt comment in pvp forum if im not someone who never play pvp. its like me who dont raid going to pve raid forum and arguing about x Boss with pve players.
blizzard really should start to take this type of comments as 90% of people who complains are pve players that never play pvp and are concerned about a pvp guardian class played only by 300 players in the whole EU servers half of them alts and inactive, hence why you rarely see a Guardian comment in forums, which mean there is a max of 2-3 pvp guardian in each server while leadboard shows thousands of active players in each class compared to the 300 guardians.
This guys barely see a guardian in the pvp world and since they only play pve and see tanks can take many adds with thousand s HPs they think is the same in pvp
Dude. I’m literally fully honor geared plus finished conquest cap yesterday and two conquest gear pieces equipped. I have Itemlevel 412 in PvP atm. What are you even talking about?
Honestly bro, you’re coping hard rn. I have full gear on my rogue with enchants etc. (these things seem important to you) and I tried to 1v1 a guardian the other day. The obnoxious rogue burst that can 100-0 most other specs in like 5 or 6 seconds, took the guardian to 70% hp. He then turned around and killed me in like 4 sec.
Guardian is broken af and you’re beyond delusional if you don’t think its nerf was justified.
Wait till he say that youre childish and egoistic and dont see anything because you play rogue - op class. Dru wasnt op and you cant proove it with leaderboard!
i never said rogues are best, i said many times in many posts rogues and hunter need to be looked at and i dont disagree with you here.
There is a video here in this thread mate and you can see we are not all bothered about the rogue as they just die from AOE of other classes while having different target.
You should be posting in the rogue forum asking blizz to look at your class not asking blizz to nerf guardians, many classes can easily kill you. If you pvp lots you will already knows that.
Me and that group in video we pvp everyday on those pvp platform for hours and we know each other classes that’s why we all ignore the rogues as we dont find them challenging, again you should address that in the rogue forums.
and please dont tell me you have bene killed by guardian many times more than other classes as there is only less than 300 active PVP Guardians (Horde + Alliance) in the whole EU 267 servers. (all this info is public if you open your eyes ) after the expansion launch and this number was half before the expansion, this mean you have 1-2 pvp guardian per servers and some dont have.
so if you going to tell us this Guardian is killing you all time then i wonder what game are you playing. I have never seen a 2nd guardian in pvp for ages now and if they exist you would have already seen them posting here
For the shaman who complain i can make you videos of shaman killing guardian in 4-5 seconds with light bolts crits 50-100k each, but as i said you dont play pvp otherwise i could see that in your gears as you have no bloody gears, means your pvp is off and you only spam random BGs.
Before the nerf the only 3 classes with same gears that druid can kill are Hunter-Rogue-Monk.
Guardian can never Kill an SP they just wait for CDs to go off and you’re dead, guardian + friends still cant kill the SP. afflic Lock kill guardians easily, druid cat kill guardians, shammy burst guardians in few secs, dracthyr burst guardian, DH kill guardians…etc
This all before the nerf now after the nerf guardian cant even kill a green geared lvl 70.
As i said you guys post without playing 1v1 and complain about a class that rarely seen in pvp acting its like the dominating class running in your server.