Does Blizzard still consider scam AH prices reportable?

There’s someone listing various articles (like Veiled Crystal) on the AH on my realm for extremely excessive prices that seem designed to look like regular prices but with a round multiplier, listed by a char with an apparently deliberately untypable name. Someone hoping that a player does a misclick on a purchase and then is poor.
This is clearly fully deliberate.

So I can’t report them easily since the in-game system is so crippled and their name untypable anyway, and here we’re not allowed to expose names. But if Blizzard does a simple check, they can spot this one and in general anyone doing such dubious practices.

Please investigate.

GM’s believe that all sales are final at the AH and do not generally interfere at all:

Where did you read that someone listing something with a very high price isn’t allowed and thus reportable?

Years ago it was the case that if a purchase had come about under ‘helped-along non-intention’, it would be reverted.
I guess that might have been based on the better support back then.
What the person is doing is definitely attempting to trick people out of their gold and make it difficult to contact them then.
The linked article doesn’t quite apply.

I’ve been playing this game for 11 years and an MVP for 9 of them, I have never known any circumstance in which an AH sale would be reverted. They did implement some changes to prevent deliberate trickery such as wrapped items and such, but they will not have reverted AH sales.


I’ve been playing this game since Vanilla, and to the best of my knowledge, the GM’s have NEVER interfered with auctions, or tried to control the auction house in any way.

It’s always been Caveat Emptor (buyer beware).

As the tip during loading says, all sales are final.

This is not against the rules as you have the option of not buying it.

Just to confirm it: AH transactions are final and are not subject to intervention by Gamemasters, even if the asked price for an item seems higher than would usually be expected. This is down to the fact that we do not actually decide what an items perceived value for a player is supposed to be (outside selling it to NPC vendors), so whatever buyer and seller agree on is acceptable.

This stance actually goes both ways, too - if someone happens to offer their “Sword of Ultimate Apocalypse +17” for 40 coppers and a firm handshake, that’d not be reverted either. :slight_smile:

That’s how I could afford my “sword of a thousand truths”

In this case (and all other cases like it), the buyer and seller have NOT decided and agreed on what’s acceptable. 711g for a single Netherweave Cloth is clearly an unacceptable price, and both buyer and seller know that. The issue is that this scam (and yes, it definitely is a scam) is relying on people buying items in bulk, and not noticing the out of place, high-priced item.

The default AH interface (in Classic/TBC) does not allow for purchasing multiple stacks at once, therefore this scam (again, this is absolutely a scam, we all know it) exploits the default in-game system.

I cannot for the life of me fathom why this could possibly be deemed as acceptable?
The only reason (and, what I suspect is the actual reason), is that there just aren’t enough support staff to resolve the number of these issues, and an in-game solution would be too much work to implement.

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