Does Halion ALWAYS drop a trinket?

Title, please any enlightment on this would be appreciated.

I’ve always seen exactly 1 trinket drop in all of Halion drops, however not a single mention on this on the internet. Is this an actual rule or just pure RNG luck?

I can’t say that it always happens but every time I’ve killed Hallion either normal or HC there’s been 2 items+1 trinket.


Your reply imply that answer to my question is on any of the two links you provided. However, none of these answers it, because there is no part that would specifically say that there is always 1 trinket + 2 other items. That happened in all of my runs and also in all of the videos I’ve seen, and the first comment in this thread also reports that. Seems to be actual rule, but I am looking for someome who can either definitely confirm or reject that.

I can’t either of that but I can tell you that in every 25m I have done a trinket + 2 random items have droppef off of the boss.

So it seems this way.

Yes. Halion 25N/H always drops a trinket and two items from the rest of his loot table.

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