Does horde want longer queue times in AV?

As high rank Paladin you can also have your fun with Horde. Just ride south with riding gear and let Horde chase you for 5 minutes while the zugzug grows with every new Horde player you meet on your way and then just bubble/recall to your base to deny Horde the honor for you after they chased you for 5 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:


Why bother playing av when the meta is about honor per hour ? Make a group for 10man bgs and 15man bgs and get your rank14 gear asap. Every pvper with a goal plays those bgs 
 AV is for casual pugs.

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I don’t cap any towers because i know you will go back, but you will face 1 hour or more AV because you’re not on the frontlines.

But that’s ok, you will just loose honor, but that’s not your goal, your goal is to annoy the other side.

And it’s “bad behaviour” to cap towers in a battleground too.

But you only do that with your precious 5-man groups, so i’ll ask again to Blizzard, end up with 5-man groups in AV, that’s bad for the game and it’s a bad change from what it was in vanilla.

Until then i won’t play AV anymore, not worth it.

But if i did play AV i would have a strategy to avoid your nasty patrols.


I just
Are you

Wow dude. Wow.


Not true, having alliance kill galvanger and some towers nets less bonus honour. Give them not an inch!

Sorry about the confusion, brother.
I was talking about the others, like Murp, Rugba and Stronghoof. We don’t get any honor for them being alive in the end.

What a big brain take.

Alliance dont play AV.
35/40 are afk rep farmers.
Just dont play it.
My daughter, then myself make her mage 19000/21000 revered, BUT not touching AV ever again. Its worst gameplay experience ever.
Just dont play it.
Its worst thing this game have to offer.
If you think about it actually there are 5 ppls per game that plays it really, others are semi afks or full time bots. And 20 of 40 dont know english

If u are playing truly this game you should never ever queue AV. Join some premade and do other BGs or go wpvp and pick few fights.
This is best advice you can get.

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It is the worst gameplay experience even if you win it , but it would be energy waste for both sides to win / lose the game because of the effort , while you can get way much more honor in a premade team playing 15 or 10 man games . I personally would consider av games if I was rank 13 to kill for fun and enjoy my set of gear. But for now my prio is like the rest , farm and get gear .

You said that you were hunting us because we were capping towers, you are doing what is supposed in a BG and we are too. What is strange is delaying a win 1 hour and more into the game, but why should i expect that you reply to my post about things that you don’t find convenient to give an answer?

How many groups of 5-man there is in Horde raids in AV?

Do you allways have a leader calling the shots?

How many of you are on discord or ingame coms?

Don’t worry, i can allways make a toon in Horde and find out for myself.

I’m not trying to be biased towards alliance as my main is a horde toon, but:
‘‘You jump over a wall and cap Frostwolf Relief Hut. Horde have to funnel over the Bridged and get MC’d off’’.

Have to? Lmao. The fact that you failed to mention backdoor for Horde makes your post useless as you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Only reason people play av is because they are to trash to premade ab/wsg

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That would account for an 80% loss rate. When its 99% you have to admit theres a problem with the map.

  1. Not that many.

  2. No, very very rarely.

  3. Nah, we’re not. Ever.

why do you play av?are you trash?

It’s fun.
Why do you care what I play? lol

When does ally EVER def the bridge you god damn memer.
The answer to that is one in a thousand games.

You know what you do if ally def bridge, you send 5 guys to skip all of it and go around the back and jump up the bugged spot to ninja cap the bunkers and insta de spawn archers.

wow incredible

If it wasn’t 40vs40 and it had actually had ratings and not the honor system then I would agree. But the fact that one side of the game queues for up to an hour and more makes it an entirely different matter.

Alliance choke point is immediatly win for the horde.Second the grave flag in our base is exactly outside vandar.Third the horde backdoor can be achived by a 7 years old player.In 2006 i remember even if alliance were stronger back then we used to lose like most avs cause of these.Play alliance and see

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You are forgetting that some people are just too terrible to be accepted in a WSG/AB premade or even if they created their own premade of misfits, it will still make less honor/hr because they suck and would lose to pugs. These people have only 1 option for ranking and that is being 24/7 in AV. Only yesterday I met a hunter from the Golemagg server in an AV game, wielding 2x Bonescraper with Fiery Weapon enchants and a Striker’s Mark while also being Rank 13 and having a total of 3 kills as a hunter after a 40 minute AV. Tell me who would accept such a hunter in their premade? :smiley: