Does horde want longer queue times in AV?

If you are soloqueuing for honor, you are trash, and anything you say is irrelevent.

why are you even posting in a thread about AV then?

Because people here clowning around gloating about winning av when they are just as bad as the people complaining about it. They need to be reminded just how trash they are.

ok, so you are just trolling. got it.

Have i said anything that is not true?

well since you haven’t made any factual statement other than “in a premade you make more honor than solo queuers” (which isn’t even exactly true for those 30 minutes AV) theres hardly something to really discuss here.

Yes it actualy is true. A typical wsg game gives you over 1386 bonus honor in 7 mins. So for 28mins of wsg time you get 5544 bonus honor and 3 extra mark turn ins. So just from bonus honor in bg time you get more. Not counting the fact you get significantly more honor from kills in wsg compared to av and significantly shorter queue times.

oh, you have insta queues? interesting

also the comparison of premade vs. solo queue just doesn’t make any sense at all.

If you are soloq for honor yes it makes sense to compare premade to solo q, because both have the same end goal.

Some players defend LTs and Commanders and towers/bunkers, because you suppose to do so in a war. You protect your own.
Shouldn’t Germany, score 7 goals against Brazil? Why, out of pity? Wouldn’t that insult Brazilian players (and a whole nation)?
Don’t ask for favors in a conflict. The game starts to lose it’s “magic”.
That’s not a reply to you. You seems to stand in a middle ground.
I lost an AV game yesterday. It was a Russian “premade”. Two groups of 20. One was attacking, the other defending. We got 1300 honor at the end. And that’s what we deserved.
Just fix the map, and hope that it will be more even.
Btw, the OP said he win 3 games in more than 50 (half way to exalted). That’s not my experience. Especially lately its about maybe 3/4 games won. Far less than 94%.

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It would be interesting to see Ali and Horde players switch sides on the map. I wonder who would then be on the forums asking for a fix.

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There are people who played both sides. We can ask them.
The problem is, that the way people played in Vanilla, changed in Classic. So we need those who have played on both sides in Classic and not Vanilla.
There was a common feeling, that AV is Alliance favored. Am I right?

From what i recall vanilla was much the same, Horde won most games until the map was patched and starting location was made equal distance to the middle of the map.

Soon after this the playstyle changed from fighting to rushing, supposedly the Horde couldn’t win rushing from that starting location because of the bridge and path they had to take.
The Horde were then on the back foot and the Ali took full advantage of this and just started rushing (similar to how the Ali currently cannot get to SFGY before the horde cap it, no matter what you do or how much you try, it all comes down to travel distance).

If memory serves, it also wasnt long before the rank 14 weps became available to all with badge and honour purchases, so the idea became repeatedly fast wins for quickest progress.

Shortly after, TBC came out and the rest is history, the memory of Ali winning rush games has forever stayed.

yes the map is worse for alliance. but when you win it feels better. once we had all towers and horde none, we even killed all warmasters but instead of killing drek, we camped the horde cave for 15min to pay back what horde did to us :slight_smile: feels good

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It seems that players in NA don’t agree with you.

This is from a popular topic in Classic NA forum:


402 posts

60 Orc Rogue 0 WoW Classic

28 Mar

You would be winning in 7 minute zergs because you have instant queues.

If the roles were legitimately reversed and you had 2 hour queues + a massive skill advantage, you would do exactly what horde is doing.

You make it sound like horde rankers are idiots and can’t do the math on how to maximize HPH. They have. They are the leaders in the BG. Who do you think is telling people to go get Ice Chad? Who do you think is saying they want a full 30 minute game to maximize honor? It is the rankers. You know why? Because that is what maximum honor on that BG with those 2 hour queues looks like.

Rep grinders could care less about 30 minutes. It isn’t enough of an upgrade in rep to warrant the additional time."

Good thing we’re not playing on NA then? :joy:

How can you be so frekaing delusional to still think that the map is not favoring Horde in almost any aspect of it? You even talk like you are at a disadvantage
 how bad can you be?

I think the Alliance favor started when they patched the AV enough sometime in late TBC or wrath.

I started playing WoW on the TBC prepatch and I remember the Allianced get slowly pushed by a solid horde zerg along with an ever growing Frost lord summon that they heal buff etc and horde wing masters fire-bombing from above.

The Alliance being destroyed in PvP by the edgy bois of the classic horde is pretty natural and makes me want to make some horde character and send it along with some good dowry to another server with character slots to rush to 60 to actually enjoy BGs

I do not want my AV experience to be short queues between repeat dissapointments.
I do BGs mainly for fun and the fun cannot be had if you are someones kicking marmot cause almost everyone who can PvP decided to live their Mute/Vurtne/drakedog/Zugzug fantasy

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Spawn point was changed in burning crusade in patch 2.4.0. Not in vanilla.

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