Does it count as profanity in name?

ey…dont flag me… :frowning:

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Your existence is a profanity, blood elf.

I can’t believe how a weak, anorexic race where you can’t differentiate between a woman and a man be this popular.

Yea, we all get what your name implies. It is not just WTF.

I’d never flag you! Your character just had some germanicly influenced parents that’s all!

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Sometimes you just set off some weird people who then go and make a stink. A friend of mine was forced to change his name away from “afk”, so in protest he went with “ayeffkay”.

Nobody would be able to find you so yeah should be fine.


reporting is one thing.
whispering someone that you report them for their name on the other hand is just outright petty and childish.


Look at the bright side:
Yay, free character rename!

Does the name suggest anything more naughty than WTF itself?

How is it worse than doing it covertly?

If you get flagged rename the character to exactly the same name.
That’s how i avoided a namechange in the past.

You should hope for a flag to rename anyway. People will deny you from endgame groups purely because of that name.

Not me personally but this is WoW after all… you probably know there’s plenty of uptight crackpots all over the endgame.

If enough players report you.

Mwa, afaik you just have to change the name first. If you “change” it to exactly the same and get reported again then you may get a temporary vacation.

To answer your specific question, no that wouldn’t be alright, but there’s a whole second world war and a history that lasts longer then that second world war that’s backing up that taboo which simply isn’t present for wtf now is it?
Are you the guy who reported him for WTF in his name? Be honest

Assuming it’s a first offense regarding your name (you haven’t been forced to rename that character before) then it’s at most going to lead to a forced name change, and maybe a warning, so it’s not a big deal either way.

well, in fairness, the wtf is childish so meh to your problem …
personally, the entire implication of your name is way worse. Id have asked blizz to ban you for a few weeks and then forced name change. We all know what youre implying with it and its pretty disgusting and purile

Are you really that upset over the most god awful and unimaginative name being changed? I mean it’s like only slightly better than being called Asdfgh

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Okey name Expert give me Some Example of a Good name Okey ?

A long time ago my sister tried making a character with her own name; “Anusha”

And it wasn’t allowed…

Blizzard are so juvenile… :roll_eyes:

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