Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

The only RP rule is the naming convention (which arguably isn’t respected by many RPers themselves).

Non-RPers have the right to pick any server, there isn’t a rule against that.

But what about people like me? I don’t feel like I’ve RPed in a long time, but I did push mythic+ and N’zoth on my paladin, so would that make me an OOCer?

I don’t see the problem if they respect that it’s an RP server that will have RPers on it. Yeah, if they’re blatently trolling or making a guild designed around trolling then sure, that’s called harrassment, but otherwise I don’t care. As long as I can RP without getting harrassed, I’m cool with it.

(A quick note on that. Sometimes, it’s actually the RPers who are doing the harrassing. Elitism has always been a thing on AD)

Honestly, selling tmog gear for higher prices on an RP realm is just called capitalism. Personally, I won’t buy over-inflated stuff and just go farm it myself, but obviously people do otherwise people wouldn’t sell it because nobody would be buying.


No in ten characters.

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Then the OP is an RPer and I am an RPer as well. And all the rest are also RPers. Because they were “RPing” a couple of times and according to your criteria that seems to be enough.

Cool beans, free drinks to everyone, we can all go home happy.

Argent Dawn. Rp server.

Other servers are PvE.

So yeah, there’s kinda a RULE in the name of the server.

That’s not a rule, a tag without a proper authority/explicit rule is just an indication.

That would implicate that you must do PvE on a PvE server, which isn’t true, or PvP on a PvP server, which also isn’t true. It’s a suggestion, not a rule.

Roleplay in Goldshire? Did something change since the great corruption of 2008?

Could add, she didn’t say additional rules exist. But they should.

Which ones?

The original RP server rules would be good.
Excluding maybe the no OOC in trade, unless they brought back global channels.

Can you quickly recite them? I am not familiar with what they were. Full disclosure - I am asking because I don’t see how anything can have a big effect on the number of people who choose not to RP. But maybe I am wrong.

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It isn’t so much that’d stop people, it will become easier to report issues though and would reduce the amount of nonsense floating around over time.

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Thank you both.

I vaguely remember seeing these rules before then. So, there are basically two things: appropriate character names and general chat being reserved to RP talk, no OOC. The latter is obviously more restrictive. I don’t think enforcing it will have much of an effect in current times because non-RP people just talk less with randoms now, there’s no need. Everything is in community chats / bnet chats / etc.

I agree you will perhaps be able to ban a few more players than now, but realistically I doubt the effect will be huge.

Just so we are clear, I wouldn’t be against this rule - because it wouldn’t hit me at all. I never talk to strangers out in the wild, all talks are in parties, communities, etc. So, if that rule will help you more than it will harm (there will be some harm from people misreporting others for petty reasons, etc), sure, I wouldn’t be against it.

Areas like the Trade District and Valley of Strength see a hell of a lot of people having OOC conversations in /s or sometimes /y. With the rule, it’d be easier to move through those zones without people saying “hurr RPers! Lol” cause if they did, a lot easier to get the reports going.


The amount of OOC chat in /says or /yells that I encounter whenever I’m in Stormwind/Boralus leaves me with the impression that it would help us a lot.


RP is about fun. Everyone who try dictate what this “fun” consists of are probably not very fun to be with.

Glad you solved it with the WM mode. ^^

If you’re having fun hanging around with people who peddle overtly erotic tones that aren’t suited for 12+ audiences, you should really reconsider your own outlook.


Well yeah, that’s the whole point. Of coure RP is about fun. Pretty difficult to have fun though when there are OOC griefers, child RPers, etc. And nobody is dictating anything, aside from basic RP etiquette and human morals and decency, but if you consider that dictating, then… ok? No normal human being would think the stuff that happens around Goldshire is okay, and I’ve not even talked about the cases of child groomers / child RPers that sexualize children that sadly plague this realm.

Just don’t ERP in a 12+ rated game and don’t be obnoxious/OOC in /s /y or /e. I mean if that’s considered dictating, then I guess we’re all dictators. Alas… they don’t call it the Federation of Evil for nothing…