Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

I came back to wow a couple months ago after after taking a break after legion (first time since tbc…it felt wierd lol) and when I first came back this server seemed rammed, youd go to goldshire and there would be crowds of players all over the place. obviously the rp scene was busy centred around the lions pride tavern etc I thought it was awesome tbh id not seen the game that busy in a long time, its one of the reasons I kept on playing this time and got back into it, it felt like the old days.

But now it just seems dead, cant get anyone for group needed world quest mobs, you go to goldshire it hardly seems theres anyone there, it seems to have died away a lot in a couple of months…has there been some server transfer I havnt noticed come up? or is everyone just taking a break till shadowlands/playing on the ptr now the pre patch is on it?

Anyone else noticed this?

I suddenly welcome the news of inactivity.

As for the rest of the actual RP server wide, there are several hubs and campaigns going on despite the pre expansion calm of things. I expect things to resume activity once the pre patch hits retail servers.


The sweet, innocent place of entry level RP you know has turned into a den of sin and nothing more, sadly.

Other than that, well, it’s just the pre-expansion calm. People have little cause to do content so short before release.

RP still happens plenty however, for example the community I’m in had 224 people online and RPing yesterday at our campaign.


I don’t experience much inactivity.

I see two big roleplay events going on right now, which are both almost week long.

Got to get in with the right people.

The Horde has a festival going on, the Alliance various campaigns or guilds gathering for them, Stormwind has weekly content and all you need to do is decide who to meet where.

It’s making the effort that is the challenge. But we can help if you need any guidance!


It could also be that things are starting to re-open after lock down. Schools here for example have re-opened and many have returned to work in one form or another.

Do you have warmode enabled?


it didnt turn into anything, it always has been, at least the last 8 years.

There are alot of startup projects around but most seem to die out somewhat quickly, there is plenty of RP to be found if you wanna look for it, especially around Duskwood.

Aside from that, depending on the time spectrum you are looking at it comes down to dwindeling subscriber numbers, the playerbase getting older and busier and such.

I’ll take your word on how long it’s been this way. I often hear that it didn’t use to be as bad, didn’t play myself 'til shortly after BfA release.

Around late TBC it wasnt that bad but the things started cropping up, its always been present there though, its intensity has just grown.

ok I worked it out…I had wrmode on and I guess that instances you with others with warmode on…I turned it off and suddenly goldshire is rp city again :stuck_out_tongue:

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If only…


It’s more of an RP city with WM on, if only because some actual roleplay can take place in that version of the zone.


Pick one. ‌


Goldshire is an actual RP town -in- warmode


when i enable warmode its dead, when I dont its packed…

Doesnt mean that anything you see in Goldshire has anything to do with RP


well it does if i walk into the lions pride and a lot of people are rping really doesnt it?

Do you consider a heard of sweaty coomers standing around and sending each other gross /ws a rp?

I dont