Does leech on gear worth taking as Shadow?

Does leech on gear worth taking as Shadow?

No matter if it’s PvE or PvP, movement speed will save you more often than an extra leech.

I wonder, often the small movement speed doesn’t work against shadowstep or charge for example while as an undead you already have leech so it,'s get better.

Feels pretty useless when players wants to train a priest to death.

Yes, but let’s say you are dying and you are kiting around the pillar. By default, everyone has speed enchants, making them 110% fast (or something like that, can’t remember). Which means, even tho you are no slowed, they will get you.

Or think about how many times you have to land fear on a healer to secure a kill, but you just can get there in time.

Sorry forgot to metion: Was talking about not enchants, but the rng upgrade on gear which gives leech.

I wouldn’t drop ilvl for it but yeah it’s noticeable on overalls at the end of keys and raid bosses.

Much prefer avoidance though.

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