Does offhand wpn speed matter?

Like the title says, does it matter if I have a dagger or mace/sword in my offhand as for example sub or outlaw? Im talking mainly about stuff like cp/energy/poison proc from attacks. Does my offhand wpn speed matter? Do slow wpns have higher proc chance to make up for its low speed? Is there such mechanic? I cant find any legit info about this.
Thank you

Doesn’t for outlaw, does for sub. Assassination doesnt even work without an OH dagger.

Damn, so theres nothing like some sort of increased chance to proc with slow wpns mechanic? Kinda sad, but well, its Blizzard, I didnt expect too much anyway. Thanks for answering my question!

You want a fast oh for sub, for outlaw it doesnt matter as long as the mh is slow. Double daggers is your only option for assa.

I think it’s a slight damage increase to have a Sword/Axe/Mace in the off-hand as Outlaw because of this passive right here :

When the terminology “Physical damage” was used with most weapon attacks (finishers were exceptions for instance), then the damage calculation used to be a formula taking weapon damage into account.

It might have changed though, in BfA, I don’t remember and I am too lazy to check it out.

Either way the gain would be little.

Its a percentage of attack power.
Weapon damage, type or speed no longer has anything to do with it :slight_smile:

Sad times !

there are some math behind this for sub, i think its approximately every 5th auto attack or so will proc. so lets say it procs then it wont proc for the next 3 autos and then after that on the 4th u have 50% to proc and the 5th auto will have 100% proc chance. but u can ofcourse proc it on the 4th since its still a 50% chance. this is why slice in dice is so good for sub.
using a slower offhand i guess will net u less shadow techniques over time. this is just my theory tho i have no ingame proof
side note: i tried using raden’s fist weapon with the tentacle corruption in offhand as sub in 8.3 still wasnt viable xDD

This isn’t just a theory, what you say is totally correct. Every auto has a set chance of giving you the CP and the energy , and it goes up to 100% on the 4th or 5th auto without a proc, and this resets on proc, so a faster weapon does mean more resources over time.


Outlaw: You can use a dagger in the offhand, it is no different from any offhand axe/sword/mace/fist since combat potency/ability damage is normalized; however you need to have a mace/sword/fist/axe in the main hand so you can use dispatch.

Subtlety: Shadow Techniques is not normalized this makes a slow weapon (axe/sword/mace/fist) in offhand weaker unless there is a big item level difference.

Edit: If anyone still looks at this thread; it’s been a while and having a dagger in offhand as outlaw can now be considered better than a second sword due to poison procs. From my testing, it is not normalized and you do gain more procs if you use a dagger, however, the DPS gain is very minimal on outlaw


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