Does Raszageth sound a bit way too flat

I mean i know about sound design quite a lot and that’s what i do. So when i’m listening Raszageth, i’m not quite getting the Dragonish vibe, the actress itself has rasp on her voice, which i mean here that the actress has distortion but it falls back and is quite flat. I mean it’s a big dragon and as we have faced Deathwing etc before i just don’t feel that power behind a character. Vocals could have a bit delay to add more depth to the sound and maybe some reeverb on the parts that are important on the vocals. I actually listened game files through my speakers and i can hear pre delay on vocals but as i said it is lacking something because it sounds that it’s not glued and some transpose can’t hurt. I can fully compare this and Deathwing’s voice lines together, whoever made Deathwing’s voice design, that’s pretty good job i have to say because it has nailed the balance and distance in the mix. That’s it pretty much what i wanted to say.

Its a villain dragon which dont do anything.

He got chance to kill two of the major dragon but like “hey i wont kill you bcoz bla bla bla”

That is just the popular trope of “Pride comes before the Fall”

yep wrathion should have died

Her reason is quite understandable actually
Alexstrasza in her eyes is a tyrant, enforcer of the Titans’s will, who destroyed the “old ways” and when they resisted, sealed them away in prisons, but they weren’t us lucky as the Dracthyr, they weren’t in stasis, they were well aware of the world around them; they were conscious. This is similar “mercy” what Illidan recieved from Malfurion. Kept in prison, conscious, without the ability to end your suffering and without hope to escape
And built her Dragon Empire - on the top of it herself as a self (or Titan Keeper) apointed Queen - and lived. As she said, time was exactly what Alexstrasza stole from her, from them and life. It is understandable, she want to see Alexstrasza suffer, want her to see how eveything crumbles around her, then maybe she will be allowed to die by the hands of Raszageth
Wrathion is another story; in here eyes, the “Black Prince” was basically nothing, a whelp, a brainwashed one, who have no idea what is to be a Dragon of old.
And the Incarnates and Primalist actually do have a point about the Titans, not to mention, her attack in the cinematics against Neltharion was a very calculated one; she went after especially his glove, the Titanic artifact he used to mind controll and keep the Dracthyr under his thumbs. You need a darn focused plan to aim your lighting to a human sized figure, souranded by Dracthyr, and especially aim that glove to shatter
I don’t think it was an accident she destroyed it; she wanted to free the dracthyr and succeeded and the Dratcthyr, arguably the greatest assets of the ragon Apects were benched.
In my humble oppinion, letting Wrathion alive was more than “I need someone to tell the world I’m back” cliché, since everyone and their mother saw her return. Simply she had no reason to kill some poor brainwashed kid, who was similar to the Drathyr in that sense, just without an artifact to controll.

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