Does the janitor responsible from Havoc DH?

As far as i understand, havoc dh is abondoned and there is no developer working on it, but it still gets very ugly sets and worst hero talents and changes possible. Does the blizzard janitor actually took over this class’ responsibility?

Everyone and their mother accepts that Havoc has the worst hero talents, you can’t see any difference. You are exactly the same as before, you just get more passive bonuses that’s all. No new animation, no changes, nothing. Hunter’s complained a bit and you give them a huge rework, that’s great they needed it but HAVOC also needs some attention as well. You make a t2 set for DH, it’s worse than any other set possible, don’t make any ain’t nobody spending their currency on that.

Havoc DH needs love at this point.

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No one accepts that havoc has the worst talents wth :smiley: Demon hunters hero talents are one of the most impactfull one in terms of damage and playstle. Your highest damage is literally you hero talent abilities :smiley: Also they even said it during an interview because of the new talent trees they didnt go hard of tier sets ON ALL CLASSES most of them just got passive damage % increase.
Havoc dh is in good position and it will be changed eventually stop acting this way. Also most classes didnt get new animations from hero talents. Not sure how you come up with ‘Everyone and their mother accepts that havoc has the worst hero talents’ statement ( probably on your own maybe ? )

You clearly you dont know what are you talking about.
Creator of the post is absolutely right.

I understand the frustration but there is no excuse for being offensive.

Regardless what happened to the dev(s) responsible for Demon Hunters, it’s quite clear DHs were not supposed to be updated this soon given their most recent rework was one of the last ones before TWW.

I do agree that DH hero specs feel a bit like an afterthought, or at least one of the last ones to leave the drawing board.

Starting with the names, the Fel-Scarred that doesn’t sound heroic compared to pretty much all the others. Themed around improved Demon Form, why not call it Fel Juggernaut? Also, it seems patched on top of Vengeance since it removes a major defensive CD and turns it into a DPS one instead. The best part is that it’s the best hero spec.

Aldrachi Reaver named after an extinct race that has nothing to do with the Illidari except for a single pair of weapons. A race we found out were unmatched warriors that used souls of fallen foes to empower their armaments. Yet somehow instead of tying the keystone talent to a very warrior-like melee offensive ability like Felblade, we get to cowardly throw one. Also, since it’s very much tied to souls, why wasn’t it called Soul Reaver instead? Moreover, for a spec themed around glaives it for some reason it offers more benefits from staying in Demon Form than Fel-Scared… Cherry on top, it feels like the designers forgot that Soul Fragments are NOT A RESOURCE, especially for Havoc who can’t track them.

So yeah, DH might not have been planned for a rework, yet it honestly feels there needed to be a resource system rework for AR to make sense for Havoc, a rework of Vengeance so they have an any purely defensive cooldown after speccing into FS - or at least a tuning pass for the majority of the defensives in the tree that have forever been dead simply because they’re too weak to be considered.

Not only Havoc needs to be looked all, all DHs need it.

Just remember that insults and other type of mindless roadrage don’t get your voice heard by people who can ignore you.