Does your language translate zone & character names?

Yeah, they translate it and I hate it…

Names should never be translated. Atleast not for cities and characters.


In German everything is fully translated, including spells, city names, character names, and other things.
However, I prefer the English version because the voice acting is miles better and so many things get lost in translation otherwise.
Stormwind is “Sturmwind” in German.

Not available. I sometimes amuse myself by reading wow related articles in my language from Wikipedia. Everything translated sounds so cringy for some reason.

I kinda agree with you on this, but with an exception. The titles that are part of the names could be translated. I’m talking about these Hellscream, Windrunner titles or even Nicknames.

From POV of some slavic languages those words don’t exist. Hell, we don’t even use latin letters in Ukraine, so those would be transliterated and sound really awkward. If a person who’s bilingual sees them just transliterated while knowing that there is a way to translate that properly to make it make sense, it’ll look very cringy.

That’s why I play in English (I guess we have the same native language ;))

Ok we’re close ;))

Same here, broseph.

Also I find some german names very amusing. I used to play on german realms back in legion when I needed to practice my german for job purposes.
I probably won’t be able to type here Darkheart Thickets’ name in german because it contains PROFANITY :joy:

Amirite Schmusedecke?

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yeah, foreigners find our word for thick/fat particularly funny. :smile:

While my native language is not included in the game (Which would be Hungarian), the names and locations are translated in the lore books. Some of them are really low effort and even outright terrible (Thrall - Delej, which means “magnetic” ???), but others are decent.

A few example from the Illidan book (because that’s what I have next to me atm)

Keep in mind that in Hungarian we have the surname first and the first name second.

Illidan Stormrage - Viharhozó Illidan (Stormbringer Illidan)
Maiev Shadowsong - Árnydal Maiev (basically the same)
Kael’thas Sunstrider - Napjáró Kael’thas (Same)
Betrayer - Áruló
Umbra Crescent - árnypenge (Shadowblade, which is fitting if we consider that Shadowblade was a title for Rogues in Legion and Maiev is considered a “rogue class hero”, otherwise pretty meh translation)
Hellfire Peninsula - Pokoltűz-félsziget
Dark Portal - Sötét Portál
Coilfang Reservoir - Spirálfog-medence
Spectral sight - Szellemlátás (Ghost-seeing, terrible translation at its best)
Winterspring - Télvége (End of Winter… makes some sense)
Warden - Védelmező (Guardian. I never get this, Maiev is anything but a guardian to Illidan. Foglár would have been closer to what she’s actually doing, but as far as I’m aware, guardian is a frequently used translation for Warden in other languages as well.)
Frostmourne - Fagyhalál (Frost/Freeze Death…? Just… why?)

And the absolute worst translation award goes toooooo

Nightsaber - Éjszablya (Night saber as a weapon. Someone didn’t get the memo, that the saber part comes from the word sabertooth aka kardfogú, not from the weapon. Éjkardfogú would be the proper translation)

That’s it for now, I hope you enjoyed the list, see ya! <3

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As others said, everything is translated in German, usually literally, and in a hilariously bad way. The voice actors are not on par with their English counterparts either.
But this was not always the case, the RTS games left all names, cities etc untranslated, and WoW started that way. I think I started using the English client when “Northshire Abbey” became “Abtei von Nordhain” *shudder*

English only! No translation for the language, which I support because it would be translated properly, which means it would just like people unable to communicate throwing words at each other.

The language I have is heavily impacted in daily life by slang which evolves rather rapidly, which is never addressed in any grammar rules at all. It does not make sense for outsiders, but we who live here it’s so normal we don’t notice how odd it really is.

If you think about it, the english names are also translations.
Azeroth is a fantasy world, there is no english there. There is common, orcish, darnassian, etc.
The name “Stormwind” is not the original name of the city, but it’s just the english translation of the city name in common.

I’m English and it does a good job of being in English.

It sounds so magnificent! I absolutely love it! I’m going to call it that now :smiley:

In Russian Stormwind would be Штормград “Shtormgrad” (Just realized we have 4 consonants in a row here… love my language :smiley: ). And yes almost all the names are translated, like Windrunner and Hellscream.

Roccavento, beautiful!

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