Doesn't the kyrian aspirant set just look great?

Ahhh, that explains it.

Alright then no wonder.

for the foresworn mog set i miss the robe and cloak slots
but its still rng

You can look anyone up on the armory as long as you know their name and realm.

I was excited about the weapon the gal is holding on the right…
and it is used only by NPCs

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BLIZZARD!!! GIVE ME THAT SWORD!!! Also in white to match the pvp set please.

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I tried looking up the OP, no person that was them exsisted. There was dozens of others through, but none with that name. I used i.o site ofcourse.

So not the case for all players all the time.

Thank god thank you for helping me out :+1:

Now about OPs mog, my own opinion.

Thats slick and really awesome made, no sarcasm. Feels like a Worshipper kinda like goddess, worshipping a king.

Can’t fault a single thing in that mog. Top tier fashion taste.

10 / 10.

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Love the pairing of the backpiece with the robe, looks great.


I’m missing the same pieces so I guess we all get the same rewards, just have to wait.

i suppose the forsworn robe will also have the tunic option like the renown 60 ensembles?
had to settle for hide chest on my belf alt kyrians because i got the other pieces but the chest
oh and might aswell give the velf heritage set a robe/tunic option aswell huh hehehe

It should also have two chests mogs, the rust/copper color version of it I got equipped right now has both too.

It is a really nice transmog, I love that they are giving us the option to have a ‘cloth’ set as different armor classes.
Im a big fan of the Venthyr one too.

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The chest for the foresworn mog is available today in Korthia.

Edit: Appartently the two versions of the chests don’t come together, I’m forced to do the same quest on another character to unlock the shirt version.

Edit2: Just did the quest on a third character and it rewarded me another part of the set, guess it just gives you what you’re missing.

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