It seems quite well done and closely follows the kyrian theme.
I love my new Spartan transmog
Got the Death’s Advance exalted coloration earlier and I’m really happy with how it looks.
Yeah, they look amazing. Too bad I can’t bring myself to grind all that rep, but I’ll be glad when my Kyrian alts have the normal transmog.
I also really like the new Night Fae transmog. It fits really nicely to some classes, such as my druid.
The art team is still carrying WoW.
I want this set but it looks a pain to get
I like that the Kyrian Covenant sets are so easy to mix and match, so you can create different appearances within the same theme.
If there’s something to carry forward in terms of transmogrification set, then it’s definitely the value in having that - sets that overlap in theme.
I’ve just finished building the last part of the Path of Ascension to get the leather version of this set, it takes a while but it’s still way faster than previous patch, Korthia can reward 2k anima per day easily.
Once you’ve done that it’s just the matter of doing one fight with all the items available in Path of Ascension.
Have you done this for the dark wings yet?
Kyrian definitely got the better mogs.
Sure, if your into Disney Hercules stuff i guess.
looking fabulous Siffrah
ah btw it comes in tunic/robe like the blood elf heritage set
and that often will have to swap from the"revealing" set to this one
even though i have 2/3 kyrian alts to use this transmog set on
since for this char i usually stick to one mog ha ha
and for my necrolord rogue i will always go with SoD lfr leather set
over renown 60 necromancer outfit because thats sylvanas outfit? i checked
How can you say that when OP dosen’t even let you go on their armory to see how the mog actually look like. If your just judgeing from the Avatar thats not really a good judge of the mog, just saying.
well uh ive checked the OPs armory saw others from the same covenant using it in game
looks good matching the greatsword from temple of purity treasure
with the cosmetic sets having sandals um sets with thigh high boots when?
feralfen champion boots for plate and bard boots for leather are only good examples we have(and a blue boe leather version too)
I really like the set. Finally we can wear caligae. (or Greek sandals in case the Romans copied that aswell)
It’s good to have once in a while a set that doesn’t cover every millimeter of your character skin.
Only thing i don’t like is transmogging gloves hides the upper arm modeled wrap from the chestpiece.
so in the patch where you get to collect the coolest HD armour for RP as a scourge
you all are exited about wings and sandals… i just dont get it
still art team again is probably the last bastion of what makes WoW great…
Then idk how you could do that, when i tried and did the same. It just says ‘‘this users public profile is hidden’’.
nah i just inspected ppl with this set in game
I was wrong about the achievement required for the full set, you gotta do all Humilty trials with all soulbinds, after trying some of them I just gave up, too much BS with some of them being near impossible with perfect timings and I don’t want to farm medallions since I only have like 20 left and you probably need like 100 at least to have the possibility to practice some fights plus you also have to farm reagents to craft charms.
It’s kinda frustrating that you have to do all this on top of spending 50k anima, just for one mog.
Haven’t done Master of the Path yet either, only completed the one for the weapon appearances.
For master of the path people shared tips in comments to cheese
I have linked below how to do the 10 fights and also top link is to easy cheese strat for all 10 fights courtesy of Quinn
cheese strat using darkmoon seesaw
Mad Mortimer - New way with Pelagos
Echthra updated fight on Humility with Pelagos and master of the path
Thran’tiok - This is just an easy fight
Kalisthene - Did this with Kleia
Alderyn and Myn’ir - Just go ham use aspirant’s binding to hold myn’ir in place for stacking unleash
Nuuminuuru - Aim to kill groups of Faeries
Craven Corinth - Go ring of warding and do shield, haste, haste, and shield as he does his 2nd fan of desolation. Use unleash when he summons his anima orb
SplinterBark Nightmare - Use Kleia and just get the full stack of flowers while dpsing him
Azaruux - I used Kleia and used his adds to get a ton of crit
Athanos - I used Kleia and moved him near a wall to keep dpsing him at all times