is it possible to do all the expansions in order via chomie time on one toon? and what order would that be as for some reason on chromie time it lists cata as the first one.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it smart? Not so much.
You could take a fresh character to level 10 in any starting zone, then talk to Chromie to enter Chromie Time.
Go do that expansion, but VERY IMPORTANT before you hit 50 - say around level 48, go to Stormwind (or Orgrimmar for Horde) and talk to the Experience Eliminator, who will allow you to turn off your XP gains.
Now you have a permanent level 48, until you go back and turn the XP on again.
With that level 48, when you have finished that expansion, go back to Chromie, talk to her, and choose the next expansion.
Do that expansion, and go back to Chromie and choose the next.
And so on until you have done them all.
A much better option is to
Start a new character, level to 10 in one of the racial starting zones.
Take the character in Chromie Time to an expansion.
Finish the expansion, which should get you to or near 50. At 50, you will be boosted out of Chromie Time, but if you hit 50 before finishing, you can go back to it on your level 50 and clean up any incomplete quests.
Start another new character, level to 10 in their starting zone.
Take that character in Chromie Time to a different expansion.
Finish the expansion, which should get you to or near 50.
Repeat until all expansions complete.
This will bring you through all expansions and take about as long, but leaves you with some serious assets in the form of a roster level 50s when you’re done. You will get experience of multiple classes and races, and you can use these multiple high-level characters for professions and farming, and choose between them which you want to main in Shadowlands.
The order of expansions is not intuitive.
Chronologically, TBC comes first, then Wrath. Unless you count alternate Universe Draenor in TBC, but I’d want a ruling from Einstein and Everett about what qualifies as “first” in that metric.
Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms are actually in BfA time now, but their quests were set in Cataclysm. This makes it appropriate to consider those whole continents part of Cataclysm, and since their level ranges before the squish were the lowest, 1-60, it does feel appropriate that they form pary of Chromie’s Cataclysm time.
If you wanted to do everything in the order it was originally presented, that is from the timeline of a player, take Cata and do things in order until level 25.
Then TBC. Then Wrath. Then back to Cata, but doing only the 4 Cata zones and their dungeons.
Then Mists, Warlords, Legion, BfA.
cant you still do the other expansion via chromie at 50? also how come cata is befoe TBC? didnt it come after?
At 50, if you really really want to, you can go back to all the old zones and do all the quests you want in all of them. I think it will feel very unsatisfying, but it is possible.
Mostly, I like answering new players’ questions. But there are a few that stump me. One of those is trying to explain the timeline of the expansions in WoW to someone approaching it from the story angle. There is no way to make it make sense except to play through it and accept that this is what the devs did.
The actual original Vanilla WoW game is gone. You can play the real thing by taking up WoW Classic, but what is now called Cataclysm, excluding the five true Cata zones Hyjal, Vash’jir, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands, is the set of zones that was in Vanilla WoW, just with updated sets of quests.
That’s why I said play the lower Cata zones to level 25, representing Vanilla, then TBC, Then Wrath and so on, since that is the order the game came out in.
If you really insist on chronological order accoring to the Timeline link I gave you, then do TBC first - or possibly Draenor, if you get a ruling on time comparisons in alternate universes.
but isnt the topography of the zones different in cata? i guess u really cant play old wow in new wow. ty anyways ;p;p
Yeah. If your idea of chronology is so compelling, level to 60 in Classic before statring Retail.
Would be fun to visit your past self too and go drinking.
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