Doing PvE should give you the best gear for PvE

Doing PvP should give you the best gear for PvP.

What’s so hard to understand about this? Why can’t you just copy and paste previous systems of yours that used to work in the past?
Why do you struggle so much to make logical decisions, such as properly rewarding PvP activities and disabling PvE trinkets when entering PvP?


IMHO the best PvE gear should come from both, PvE and PvP, and the best PvP gear should come from PvP and PvE. That way only the best players get a true BiS. Gear aquisition will be balanced that way, too.

Edit: just to clarify, I meant that a true BiS would be a combination of PvE and PvP pieces, not that you could pick either and it wouldn’t matter.

No. That’s the best way to displease both the PvE community and the PvP community.

Some people ONLY like PvE, and hate having to do PvP.
Some people ONLY like PvP, and hate having to do PvE.

100% of the PvE gear should come from PvE.
100% of the PvP gear should come from PvP.

Simple. Clear.

No the best gear should be from playing the game.
But nothing should be mandatory.
And yet it should

Those who focus on heroic and mythic raids get the best gear
M+ Is next
Mythic Heroic and normal raids follow
And then PVP and world content

If you just PVP you dont need mythic quality gear. However a Mythic player should not get @#$@# faced on gear in a PvP battle.

NO! You have a mindset of developers and want to mix pve/pvp and not one of this modes is balanced!


That’s OK, people who wouldn’t want to do one of the two would simply not achieve a true BiS gear, and that’s perfectly fine. Gear should be a reward for effort and being good at the game, and someone who is either unwilling to spend the effort or isn’t as good shouldn’t be able get an equal gear as someone who does.

no? how does this make any sense?

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Best gear should come from surviving Nomi’s cooking.

I explained it in the very next sentence.

It still makes zero sense

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No, it’s not. It leads to frustration.
If you’re a Mythic raider, it makes no sense that you should force yourself to do arena in order to be competitive in raiding. Both activities are completely unrelated.

This is a game. It should be fun. It shouldn’t be a chore.
Forcing people to do something they don’t enjoy goes against the very concept of fun.

PvP and PvE are completely different.
They should grant different rewards, that 100% benefit each type of player and allow them to perform the best in their preferred game mode without having to be forced into the other.

That’s OK, take your time, I’m sure it will come to you in a while.

It won’t. If you force people to do content that they don’t enjoy at all just so they’re better at the content they do enjoy it’s simply terrible game design.

Why would it make any sense that you had to do PvE to get something that’s better in PvP? It’s nonsense.


But you wouldn’t need to do arena to be competitive. You would give yourself an advantage of you did, but it wouldn’t make you not competitive.

You also shouldn’t get things for free. This is an RPG, and gear should be a reward for one’s effort. If you are unwilling to put effort in, you don’t deserve to be as good as someone who does.

No, we had this system before and it was terrible.

Do you not understand that this is a videogame? It’s supposed to be fun and not work you do not enjoy.

You are absolutely out of your mind. The old PvP system worked perfectly fine, the playerbase was happy and we still had millions and millions of players. You’re simply delusional if you think the old system was terrible.


Which is why you do Mythic raiding, OR high rated arena.
Both are challenging forms of content, not “free gear”. You don’t get “free gear” by only doing one of these challenging activities.
You’re not making any sense.

Not getting an advantage your competitors get means you’re not competitive.

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As long as Ion is in charge, nothing makes sense.

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That’s not really fair. They did remove titanforging.(well, replaced it with corruption which imo was worse, but still)

Because they didn’t, the past had many systems, it changed a lot mainly because each system had its own flaws.