Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Many of us PVE players had to grind PVP essences for example. I have spent far more time doing Arena and BGs than I would have liked. A horrible grind of endlessly doing content I do not enjoy. I also use WM because otherwise I’m missing out on the bonus to PVE content.

Next to no one is supporting Blizzard’s stance that makes PvP players go do PvE and it’s not like the PVE player base is not aware of what it’s like to be forced into the other.

I will never have time for this childish spiteful attitude wishing a horrible experience on others. Regardless of whether it’s spiteful PvE players or spiteful PvP players.


Getting one essence doesn’t compare to getting a full set of M+ gear and spamming Maw of souls for AP.
It just doesn’t.
5% of your game time is forced PvP, 75% of mine is forced PvE

I am just going to leave this here:

If you wanted a pure pvp based game you should of picked up a different game. Whuile wow was great in ‘offering’ pvp when it was released in 2004, it wasnt anything special. 75% (Your number) was still locked behind PVE content. :wink:

Just leavving it here.

If you wanted a true pvp MMO game you need to check out Guild Wars.

Otherwise, wow was never really pvp oriented… It was always a minor part of it.

The only thing I can agree on is ya know, have both pvp and pve paths ahve theyr ‘gear’ issue solved by providing multiple path to similar gear.


Its nothing to do with warmode.

They are monsters invading the game you are playing.

Its the game… capice?


Sadly I think you are stuck with it for this week. I’m not even that excited about the event. I don’t care about infecting people, it’s fine that others are having fun with it.

I’m just waiting for launch now and all the new content :slight_smile:

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It has to do with fun.
My fun is being ruined. FOR A WEEK.
Not acceptable.

In any way, shape or form.

Not my game.
They can do that in warmode.

Stop being so damned selfish.

You have no idea.
Here, have a read:

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i bellived they have made all servers pvp servers and force pvp on pvp server …

My excitement is being killed by nonsense like this.
It shows that Blizzard still hasn’t learned a thing.


You are pvp flagged when you go to cities etc.

So for example use portal to org and surprise!!! you are now pvp flagged.

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its a special event, dont like it. then avoid main cities. its not even actual pvp fights.

nobody bats and eye when people who like pvp are forced into pve every single expansion.

one limited time event and people go crazy.


They tested this on the PTR and the feedback was a repeat of the upset during the pre Wrath event. So I’m surprised, I guess as it’s only a week they decided they’d go for it.

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The players you quote are actually into both PvP and PvE, and want a combination of both content types to give the best gear.
Solo PvE players dont want to force players into to the other type of content. You are pointing fingers and laughing and being a total bad person towards the wrong ones.

But it’s not - it’s zombies being controlled by other players. If it was random waves of npc zombies invading, I doubt Tahra would be complaining. But NPC’s don’t deliberately go after specific people, choose to hang about in locations where they can cause maximum disruption, or corpsecamp people. And it’s all of that disruptive stuff that the OP and others would like to avoid.

I haven’t been online today (other than briefly to kill bag boss) so haven’t seen the reality of the event yet. I’ll reserve judgement until I have first hand experience, but certainly if it’s difficult or impossible for people to level and quest as normal, I’d say that’s a problem. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as the hype.

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No, it has to do with monsters invading the cities.

There are lots of things locked behind content i don’t find fun either. You see me complaining like a whiny little… ? No you don’t.

*fingers in ears, stamping the floor.

Its not “your” game. Its “A” game that you and MANY others play. Adapt to what parts you don’t like, just like everyone else.

Warmode is about PvP. This is about EVERYONE beeing attacked by monsters.

Says the selfish one. :roll_eyes:


Arent the main cities the places where we need to be if we want to travel around the world?

Very true.

It’s all about the PvP flagging for me. It’s not acceptable.


No. They have challenger experience at most.
This guy pretty much nailed it when it comes to describing what kind of players they are:

That’s it. That’s totally it.


Then park your behind in another city instead of SW or Org. Problem solved.


its also a place often used for events.

That post is someone posting “important to every dragonslayer” (read PvE-player) and then goes wild on things he find unacceptable.